Nam Pham - Design Researcher
Experienced mixed-method researcher with extensive experience in design, build, and ship products. 0-1 research on new use cases for food ordering & delivery. Interdisciplinary salon gatherings convene artists, writers, scientists, and thinkers …
聚(N-丙烯酰吗啉)纳米凝胶作为生物医学应用的有前途的材料: …
为了应对这一挑战,我们开发了一种反相细乳液方法,用于分散纳米液滴中 nam 的自由基聚合。 该策略可以制备尺寸可控(250-350 nm)的结构明确的 P(NAM) 纳米凝胶。
Poly(N-acryloylmorpholine) Nanogels as Promising Materials for ...
Sep 16, 2023 · Poly(N-acryloylmorpholine) (P(NAM))-based materials have been developed to prevent protein adhesion to surfaces due to their biocompatibility and protein-repellent properties. However, transferring the benefits of P(NAM) to nanoscale materials such as nanogels has not yet been studied.
Paul Nam - Google Scholar
Thermal decomposition studies of EPS foam, polyurethane foam, and epoxy resin (SLA) as patterns for investment casting; analysis of hydrogen cyanide (HCN) from thermal … WA Everhart, SN Lekakh, VL...
From well-defined poly (N-acryloylmorpholine ... - ScienceDirect
Dec 5, 2016 · Non-ionic poly (N -acryloylmorpholine) (PNAM)-decorated polystyrene (PS) particles were synthesized by polymerization-induced self-assembly (PISA) in emulsion, mediated by the reversible addition-fragmentation chain transfer …
Publications – Paul Nam
P. Nam, Q. Liu, S. Kapila, W. Tumiatti and A. Porciani, “Assessment of Radiolysis and Chemical Dehalogenation for Decontamination of PCBs and PCDDs in Soil.” Organohalogen Compounds, Vol. 40, 507-511, (1999)
Pham Nam Hai - Google Scholar
P Nam Hai, D Sasaki, LD Anh, M Tanaka. Applied Physics Letters 100 (26), 2012. 58: 2012: Long spin-relaxation time in a single metal nanoparticle. PN Hai, S Ohya, M Tanaka. Nature nanotechnology 5 (8), 593-596, 2010. 56: 2010: Ultralow power spin–orbit torque magnetization switching induced by a non-epitaxial topological insulator on Si ...
空间群Pmcn 和Pnam 的区别 - 晶体 - 小木虫 - 学术 科研 互动社区
Pmcn和Pnam都是62号空间群Pnma的另一种表示方式,一般分别计做6204和6205。 如果选择这两种表示方式,其abc轴以及原子位置xyz都要进行相应改动。
The World of P’nam – The World of P’nam
The planet P’Nam, known by its official designation XYLY 4501949591.012.45678, is a world steeped in mystery and shaped by forces beyond comprehension. Orbiting on the fringes of the Andromeda Galaxy, it has long been overlooked due to a disastrous probe accident that falsely deemed it uninhabitable.
広島口唇裂口蓋裂研究会 口唇、口蓋裂の治療 PNAM(ピーナム)に …
PNAMとはpresurgical nasoalveolar molding(術前鼻歯槽形成)の略語で、口唇の手術前に特殊な口蓋床を用いて鼻を矯正する行為を指します。 通常小鼻の軟骨は、生後数ヶ月の間は柔らかく形状が変形していく能力を有しています。 口唇裂や口唇口蓋裂の子供さんは鼻の変形を伴いますが、口唇裂の手術までそのままにしておくのではなく、小鼻の軟骨が変化する期間に我々は少しでも矯正して、いいかたちにモデリングしていきます。 そして口唇の手術をしただけで鼻 …