P-51戰鬥機 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
P-51野馬式戰鬥機 (英語: P-51 Mustang),是 美國陸軍航空軍 在 二次世界大戰 期間最有名的 戰鬥機 之一,也是美國海陸兩軍所使用的單引擎戰鬥機當中 航程 最長,對於 歐洲 與 太平洋 戰區 戰略轟炸 護航最重要的機種,並且一直使用到 朝鲜战争 為止。 Discovery 節目《軍武科技排行榜-十大戰機》將P-51選為歷史上十大戰鬥機第一名。 [2] 本機在後世評價上被認為是二戰主力戰鬥機中綜合性能最出色的機種。 有別於美軍當時的戰鬥機無論是液冷或氣冷發動機都傾向採用 …
North American P-51 Mustang - Wikipedia
The North American Aviation P-51 Mustang is an American long-range, single-seat fighter and fighter-bomber used during World War II and the Korean War, among other conflicts. The Mustang was designed in 1940 by a team headed by James H. Kindelberger of North American Aviation (NAA) in response to a requirement of the British Purchasing Commission.
P-51战斗机 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
P-51野马式战斗机(英语: P-51 Mustang ),是美国陆军航空军在二次世界大战期间最有名的战斗机之一,也是美国海陆两军所使用的单引擎战斗机当中航程最长,对于欧洲与太平洋战区战略轰炸护航最重要的机种,并且一直使用到朝鲜战争为止。
North American P-51 Mustang variants - Wikipedia
Over twenty variants of the North American P-51 Mustang fighter were produced from 1940, when it first flew, to after World War II, some of which were employed also in the Korean War and in several other conflicts.
P-51战斗机 - 百度百科
p-51战斗机是二战中盟军最优秀的全能活塞动力战斗机之一,也是盟军空权的象征,击落了4950架敌机,占美国陆军航空军在欧洲上空击落总数的48.9%,并击毁了4131个地面目标,另外还击落了超过230枚v-1飞弹,甚至还击落了德国空军最精锐的喷气式战斗机 [3] 。
美国P-51“野马”战斗机全解析 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
1944年,p-51开始装备中国空军,成为中国空军对抗日本空军的重要力量 。在此之前,日本空军凭借其零式战斗机等装备,在亚洲战场占据一定的空中优势。然而,p-51的到来彻底改变了这一局面。 p-51的速度、航程和火力都远超日本的零式战斗机。
P-51 Mustang Variants - Variants - MustangsMustangs.com
3 天之前 · The P-51 was designed around the Allison V-1710-39 V-12 and a 5-foot 10-inch 140-pound pilot creating a very sleek and narrow fuselage. The P-40, which also used the Allison was originally designed for an air-cooled radial engine resulting in a large frontal area of drag.
P-51 Mustang Performance - WWII Aircraft Performance
The P-51B that equipped these units was delivered with the Packard Merlin V-1650-3 until April 1944, when replacement aircraft began to be delivered with the V-1650-7 engine featuring maximum power peaking at lower altitudes. The P-51 operated on 100/130 grade fuel with War Emergency Power limited to 67" up to June 1944.
P-51 Mustang | AirPowerTour
The P-51 Mustang is an American single engine fighter that was flown by the United States until 1968. Built by the North American Aviation Company, the Mustang was conceived of after North American had been asked by the British to build Curtiss P-40 and P-46 aircraft under license for the Royal Air Force (RAF).
P-38 Lightning vs P-51 Mustang: Data Comparison - Aero Corner
With a top speed of 710 km/h and a wingspan of 11 meters, this powerful aircraft served as a single-seat bomber during the Korean War, World War 2, and other conflicts. Designed by Edgar Schmued and manufactured by North American Aviation, the P-51 Mustang was equipped with a Packard V-1650 Merlin engine and cost approximately $50,000 in 1945.
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