Why is the P-51H considered so good? It's paper stats seem …
2024年9月2日 · The P-51H reaches max climb rate of 30m/s at 1000m while the F8F-1B reaches max climb rate of 29m/s at sea level, and the difference only increases as altitude increases. They also have similar low speed handling, turn time around 16.5s at about 350km/h, and obviously the P-51H does better at high speed since the F8F-1B suffers from control ...
P-51H has to go to 7.0 - War Thunder - Official Forum
2025年1月20日 · P-51H has better turn time, turn radius, and better turn speed. Now for your Spitfire LF Mk 9 climb chart, what was the radiators set to? Cause it looks like it was set to either at 0% or a low percentage. When testing the climb rates, the Spitfire LF mk 9 does beat the P-51H if you did not care about cooling, which would not be used in a match.
P-51H has to go to 7.0 - Aircraft - War Thunder — official forum
2024年3月25日 · The p-51H outperforms props in at least 1 category, majority of the time two categories, and often three categories, which are top speed, acceleration and manuverability. This plane at 6.7br or 7.0br (the same br as the spitfire mk 24) will be far from underpowered, if anything it will actually require skill to use instead of being braindead easy.
P-51H has to go to 7.0 - Aircraft - War Thunder — official forum
2024年3月22日 · And yet, Kikka sits at 7.0 while P-51H is 6.3 lol Kikka is one of the fastest accelerating 7.0 jets, if not the fastest. I once tested my Kikka against a buddy’s Spitfire Mk.24 and on minimum fuel the Kikka reached 5000 meters faster, with the clock starting from the moment the planes started moving on the runway.
P-51H has to go to 7.0 - Aircraft - War Thunder — official forum
2024年4月10日 · The P-51 was designed as a long range fighter bomber escort. It did encounter jets, but that was not it’s design purpose. History does not support your assertion. To add since you are making more shit up. The explicit changes in the P-51H were because the designer was curious why British fighters were so much lighter. The changes made in the ...
P-51H has to go to 7.0 - Aircraft - War Thunder — official forum
2025年1月26日 · The P-51H and Mk 24 are equals as they practically have the same amount of advantages and disadvantages, Mk 24 will have better turn rate, high speed handling, better weaponry, better acceleration (to a certain speed), longer WEP and slightly better roll rate, while the P-51H has better climb, better low to high altitude performance, better ...
P51H performs incredibly well, despite "weak engine"?
2024年11月4日 · Air force planes like P-51H don’t need this gear and for this reason virtually always have an advantage over their naval counterparts. If you’re interested in the subject then I strongly recommend “Greg’s airplanes and automobiles” channel which has videos on the various superprops. Here’s P-51H and F8F
P51H WEP time seems pretty disputed - Aircraft - War Thunder
2024年12月16日 · I’ve been looking around for specs of the P-51H (about to get it and am trying to prepare) and I’ve noticed a lot of different people talk about how long the water injection lasts. I’ve seen 7 mins, 8 mins and 33 seconds, even one that said 12 mins. Does anyone know why the results vary so much?
P-51H has to go to 7.0 - #29 by Uncle_J_Wick - War Thunder
2024年3月24日 · The P-51H at 6.3br is blatantly overpowered as well as many other US planes in the tech tree due to their planes being under BRed as well as the majority of US pilots cannot fly their planes right. The literal equal to the P-51H is the Spitfire Mk 24, which is at 7.0br (It should be 6.7br, and the Mk 22 6.3br), and the P-51H should be at the ...
P-51H has to go to 7.0 - #84 by Real_K_Soze - Official Forum
2024年4月20日 · They shaved weight on any part that could yield. They were able to reduce the empty weight of the P-51 by 600 pounds. This would translate into more performance.` Source: mustangsmustangs.net P-51 Mustang Variants - P-51H - MustangsMustangs.com. The North American P-51 Mustang - P-51 Variants - P-51H. By Curtis Fowles, MustangsMustangs.