probability - PP-plots vs. QQ-plots - Cross Validated
2014年5月28日 · A P-P plot compares the empirical cumulative distribution function of a data set with a specified theoretical cumulative distribution function F(·). A Q-Q plot compares the …
Probability Plot (P-P plot): to what corresponds the straight line?
2012年3月19日 · Traditionally P-P plot is done as follows. On Y axis , expected cumulative probabilities of the theoretical distribution of your choice are plotted, corresponding to your …
self study - Graphing a P-P plot given a set of data from a Poisson ...
2016年11月26日 · I'm mainly confused on exactly what the x and y values are supposed to be within a P-P plot. The problem I'm given is as follows: If the following data are hypothesized to …
What are the main difference between a QQ plot and a probability …
2022年8月15日 · Aside: In the second QQ plot (with better scaling) we see that the sample has a heavier right tail than the Normal and is somewhat skewed. There are a lot of points in this QQ …
Heteroscedasticity - interpretation of residual plot and P-P plot
2019年11月14日 · In your plot errors seem to have different variability at the beginning of the plot then in the end so I would say there is heteroskedasticity there. Probability-probability (p-p) …
Is Probability Plot a member of QQ plot? - Cross Validated
2017年6月30日 · I'd summarize usage as (a) probability plot is a broad term which covers all these cases and some more; (b) Q-Q plots is a strict term and implies quantiles on both axes …
S-curve in residuals plot: a problem? - Cross Validated
2015年1月25日 · An S-shape P-P plot indicates that the distribution has the correct median. The "flattening" of the S means that the distribution has tails that are about as long as those of the …
Durbin-Watson test and how to do normal Q-Q plot and normal P …
2017年5月9日 · I also have another question. To prove that the residues follow a normal distribution, I have to do the normal Q-Q test and the normal P-P test. In the case of the …
How to interpret a QQ-plot of p-values - Cross Validated
If a p-value deviates from the expected distribution one "may" call that p-value for statistic significant. As you can see in the QQ-plot, at the top tail end, the last 4 points are somewhat …
Is there skew/kurtosis on this plot? - Cross Validated
2017年4月19日 · I'm doing a stats assignment and for one of the questions I need to make a judgement of whether there is skew and kurtosis from a p-p plot in SPSS. I've been over the …