TBR1 directly represses Fezf2 to control the laminar origin and
2011年2月1日 · Here we show that the transcription factor TBR1 directly binds the Fezf2 locus and represses its activity in L6 corticothalamic projection neurons to restrict the origin of the CS tract to L5. In Tbr1 null mutants, CS axons ectopically originate from L6 neurons in a Fezf2 -dependent manner.
Shared and Distinct Functional Effects of Patient-Specific Tbr1 ...
2022年9月14日 · We first measured TBR1 protein levels in P0 cortex from Tbr1 KO mice (heterozygotes denoted as Tbr1 +/–, homozygotes denoted as Tbr1 –/–) and the CRISPR-generated mutant mouse lines. Full-length TBR1 signal was reduced by ∼25% in both Tbr1 +/– and Tbr1 +/ A136fs and completely absent in both Tbr1 –/– and Tbr1 A136fs/A136fs ( Tbr1 ...
Tbr1 Regulates Differentiation of the Preplate and Layer 6 - Cell …
2000年9月21日 · Tbr1 is a putative transcription factor that is highly expressed in glutamatergic early-born cortical neurons. In Tbr1 -deficient mice, these early-born neurons had molecular and functional defects. Cajal-Retzius cells expressed decreased levels of Reelin, resulting in a reeler -like cortical migration disorder.
Tbr1 regulates regional and laminar identity of postmitotic ... - PNAS
Tbr1 regulates laminar identity in part by downstream activation or maintenance of Sox5, an important transcription factor controlling neuronal migration and corticofugal axon projections. Similar to Sox5 mutants, Tbr1 mutants exhibit ectopic axon projections to the hypothalamus and cerebral peduncle.
Tbr1 instructs laminar patterning of retinal ganglion cell dendrites
2018年4月9日 · We show that the transcription factor Tbr1 is expressed by four mouse RGC types with dendrites in the outer IPL and is required for their laminar specification. Loss of Tbr1 results in...
Tbr1 and Fezf2 Regulate Alternate Corticofugal Neuronal Identities ...
2011年1月1日 · We present evidence for central transcriptional mechanisms that regulate fate specification of corticothalamic (layer 6) and subcerebral (layer 5) projection neurons. We found that TBR1 promotes the identity of corticothalamic neurons and represses subcerebral fates through reducing expression of Fezf2 and CTIP2.
Neonatal Tbr1 Dosage Controls Cortical Layer 6 Connectivity
2018年11月21日 · TBR1 directly regulates transcriptional circuits in heterozygous mutant mice that specify layer 6 identity and synapse number. As TBR1 is an ASD risk gene, our results provide insights into mechanisms that underlie ASD pathophysiology.
Shared and Distinct Functional Effects of Patient-Specific Tbr1 ...
2022年9月14日 · Tbr1 A136PfsX80 is a loss-of-function mutation, while K228E mutation causes TBR1 upregulation. A, B, Western blots for TBR1 in P0 cortical lysates from Tbr1 mutant mouse lines (n = 3–6 mice/genotype). β-III-Tubulin was used as loading control.
Brain-specific transcriptional regulator T-brain-1 controls brain ...
T-brain-1 (TBR1) is a brain-specific T-box transcription factor. In 1995, Tbr1 was first identified from a subtractive hybridization that compared mouse embryonic and adult telencephalons. Previous studies of Tbr1−∕− mice have indicated critical ...
Intermediate Progenitor Cohorts Differentially Generate Cortical …
2016年6月28日 · Our findings indicate that upper-layer genesis depends on IPs from many stages of corticogenesis and that Tbr2 regulates the tempo of laminar fate implementation for all cortical layers.