How-to: Fix codes P0010, P0011, P0013 or P0014 on the...
2012年11月11日 · How-to: Fix codes P0010, P0011, P0013 or P0014 on the 2.4L ecotec engine:
P0010 light still on after camshaft position sensor change
2011年12月14日 · The check engine light comes and goes. fault code P0010 is the only one showing up on the scanner. So I changed the camshaft position sensor with a part...
P0010 Service Code - Chevrolet Malibu Forums
2011年8月23日 · My fiance has a 2008 Chevy Malibu with the 4-cylinder engine. The "check engine" light came on this past weekend. I took it to a local parts store and they ran the OBD-II Scanner and it gave code P0010, and said something about the camshaft position sensor. I'm no mechanic so it didnt make...
P0010,p0011,p0013,p0014,p0442. | Chevrolet Malibu Forums
2021年5月2日 · P0010, 11, 13, 14 - You need to replace the VVT actuator solenoids for intake and exhaust. Buy the ACDelco brand because the cheap aftermarket ones are unreliable junk.
Codes p0010, p0011, p1174, p0420 | Chevrolet Malibu Forums
2020年4月22日 · Yeah, intake and exhaust VVT cam solenoids are very common wear and tear items on the 2.4L (and many modern 4-cylinder engines). Definitely buy ACDelco replacements. The cheap aftermarket ones tend to fail rapidly if they fix the problem at all. Those will take care of the P0010/P0011 codes.
How-to: Fix codes P0010, P0011, P0013 or P0014 on the...
2009年12月28日 · There was a P0010 code on my wife's 2012 Malibu. Even though the oil info on the instrument panel said it had %32 oil life left, the oil was low. I changed the oil and that solved the problem.
P0010 code / Sensor Location? - Chevrolet Malibu Forums
2015年11月14日 · Hello, My 2009 Malibu LT recently had its check engine light came on and the code that was present was P0010. I have felt the car running a little rough, but mainly I have had terrible MPG for the past 2 tanks of gas. I went from getting 22mpg to …
Codes p0010 & p0011???? 2010 Chevy hhr - Chevy HHR Network
2015年7月12日 · Maintenance and Upkeep - Codes p0010 & p0011???? 2010 Chevy hhr - What exactly are the codes p0010 & p0011? I've looked them up but I still have no clue what exactly they are? The guy at Autozone didn't explain much of anything. he acted like it was a burden to help. What I did get out of him was that the camshaft...
Diagnostic Trouble Codes P0010 and P0011 - Chevrolet Malibu …
2018年8月20日 · A Google search reveals that those are codes for the camshaft position sensor. Your 2.4L 4-cylinder engine could need the sensor replaced, or the harness could be suffering from issues, or the plug. There could be other issues causing the codes as well. A qualified mechanic or technician would be able to do some testing and help you arrive at a reasonable conclusion of what to do.
P0606, p0601, p0010 - Chevrolet Malibu Forums
2016年7月18日 · Today my cel comes on and throws me the codes P0606, p0601, p0010. Reader also says " The ecm has detected a fault in the camshaft actuator solenoid circuit bank 1".