Code P0352? - Ford Truck Enthusiasts Forums
2006年11月23日 · Modular V8 (4.6L, 5.4L) - Code P0352? - '01 5.4 Expy developed a skip that I assumed to be a bad COP. Took it to Advance Auto Parts to pull the code and it only listed the P0352...Ignition Coil B Primary/Secondary circuit malfunction.
Code P0352 - Ford Truck Enthusiasts Forums
2022年5月3日 · 1999 - 2016 Super Duty - Code P0352 - Please help..... I own a 2014 F-350 Super Duty 6.2 engine. Originally..Code P0357 came up. I replaced all 8 coils, 2 of them twice #7 & #2, 16 spark plugs and it still does not have any acceleration or horsepower when going up a hill/mountain, and then a new ECM unit was...
Mysterious Misfire P0352 - Ford Truck Enthusiasts Forums
2013年4月30日 · P0352 is telling you that there is a fault in the cylinder 2 coil primary circuit. That runs from the PCM, through the harness, to the coil. It can also involve the power feed to the coil, which comes from the EEC relay. It has nothing to do with spark plugs or injectors. You need to very carefully ohm out the related circuits.
Gas - P0352 | 2011 - 2016 Ford F250+ Super Duty Forum - Ford …
2020年1月21日 · 2013 Ford F-250 6.2 L gas engine 4x4 I recently got a check engine light and the code reader indicated that it was a P0352 error/ ignition coil in the... Ford Truck Zone Home Forums > Super Duty Ford Trucks Forums > 2011 - 2016 Ford F250+ Super Duty Forum >
P0351, P0352, P0353 - Ford Truck Enthusiasts Forums
2005年11月27日 · Explorer, Sport Trac, Mountaineer & Aviator - P0351, P0352, P0353 - Retrieved all 3 fault codes pertaining to ignition coils A, B and C malfunctioning.
Elusive P0352 Code - Ford Truck Enthusiasts Forums
2012年9月27日 · 1999 - 2016 Super Duty - Elusive P0352 Code - My 2006 F250 5.4l is giving a P0352 code. The plugs have only 10,000miles. I swapped plugs with cylinder 1 swapped COPs from cyl 1 and 5. The P0352 stays with the cylinder, not the plugs or the COP. I followed the diagnostics from the 2006 Ford service DVD. I lost the DVD...
2006 Expedition 5.4 showing code P0352 - Ford-Trucks.com
2016年9月5日 · Scan shows P0352. Been searching and reading to see that it is cylinder #2 (second from front on passenger side) ignition coil circuit. Guessing first thing to look at is the coil. Checked wiring over yesterday nothing obvious. Planning to head to the garage and swap coil with #1 cylinder and see if code changes.
Code P0352 - Ford Truck Enthusiasts Forums
2017年7月10日 · Modular V10 (6.8l) - Code P0352 - Little history. Been fighting a P305. Put I new coil on it (BWD) as it was all they had in stock. Misfire cleared but returned. I installed a new plug there just trying to get the misfire to go away. It's cleared up but returned.. Today I pulled all the coils from cylinders 1-5...
2016 F250 p0352 misfire code #2 cylinder - Ford-Trucks.com
1999 - 2016 Super Duty - 2016 F250 p0352 misfire code #2 cylinder - already replaced the coil pack, that wasn't it, wires are good, but the coil is not getting fire
Ford v10 p0352 - Ford Truck Enthusiasts Forums
2019年10月7日 · 1999 to 2016 Super Duty - Ford v10 p0352 - Hello, I've searched this and other ford truck forums for the past week to try to find my solution, but ive had not luck. I have a 2000 f350,v10 manual,4x4. I've had the truck for 2 years now. When I first bought the truck it had this p0352, p0302, and a MAF code. When I...