P0508 code...please help - Jeep Wrangler Forum
2016年2月22日 · P0508 IAC valve sense circuit low. - Ricks Free Auto Repair Advice Ricks Free Auto Repair Advice | Automotive Repair Tips and How-To P0508 IAC valve sense circuit low. Fix code P0508 IAC valve sense circuit low If you encounter a problem with P0508 IAC valve sense circuit low on a Chrysler vehicle, here’s how to proceed. The Idle Air Control is a linear solenoid valve that opens based on ...
P0508 Code - Jeep Wrangler Forum
2014年5月28日 · SYMPTOM P0508-IAC VALVE SIGNAL CIRCUIT LOW WHEN MONITORED Engine running. Battery voltage greater than 10 volts . IAC motor operating. POSSIBLE CAUSES The PCM senses a short to ground or battery voltage on the Linear Idle Air Control (LIAC) control circuit for 2.75 seconds while the IAC motor is active. POSSIBLE CAUSES IAC motor operation IAC motor IAC control circuit shorted to ground IAC ...
Check Engine Light Issues - Jeep Wrangler Forum
2014年7月14日 · It has repeated the P0508 just about every time. When the Check Engine light comes on, it sometimes allows you can keep driving normal and other times it spits and sputters.
Fighting o2 codes p0031, p0037, p0051, p0057 - Jeep Wrangler …
2018年3月17日 · For the past few months I have been fighting with the o2 heater low voltage codes p0031, p0037, p0051, p0057. I have done so much Googling, reading and...
Engine code sequence P0031, P0037, P0051, P0057 - Jeep …
2012年7月23日 · I'm adding to the forum here a thread on this particular code sequence, since I don't see it here. I was driving, and the check engine light came on. I have noticed as of a few days ago that the engine idling is a little off. The tachometer doesn't register it, but you can hear/feel it where...
Engine Dies at Operating Temp - with Fix | Jeep Wrangler Forum
2018年10月24日 · Tried to restart, it failed and the cluster vomited up: P0201, P0202, P0203, P0204, P0205, P0206, P0508, P0335, P0032, P0038, P0052, P0058. Attempted fix: Figured codes are related to an unplanned shut down of the engine.
PCM trouble? - Jeep Wrangler Forum
2019年11月18日 · I have a 2006 Wrangler. Yesterday when I started it up, it immediately had a misfire. I was able to drive about 15 ft before it died. It started back up but the misfire seemed gone, but it died again. It wouldn't start for a minute and I made it about half a mile before it died. Repeat this for...
Potentially Bad PCM - Jeep Wrangler Forum
2018年7月20日 · Fast Forward several months and a few hundred miles later, last weekend on Wheeler Lake trail here in Colorado jeep threw a bunch of CEL's u0155, p0032, p0038, p0052, p0058, p0508 and my gauges lost all power and Jeep died.
O2 Sensor Heater Issue Solved - Jeep Wrangler Forum
2018年5月6日 · I've been having persistent issues with downstream O2 sensor heater circuit voltage issues (high and low) on both sides. Codes P0031, P0037, P0051, P0057. With a lot of help from a forum member @lowflyer001 who patiently answered my questions and pointed me in the right direction, I think I've...
TJ stalls immediately after installing DEI heat shield
2021年11月15日 · This afternoon I installed the DEI fuel rail and injector heat shield cover kit for my 2006 TJ. Installation required that I remove the fuel rail and...