P0724 Torque Converter/Brake Switch B Circuit High - OBD-Codes.com
If you discover that a code P0724 has been stored in your OBD-II vehicle, it means that the powertrain control module (PCM) has detected a high electrial condition in a certain torque converter brake switch circuit. This code is applicable to vehicles equipped with automatic transmissions only.
P0724 Code - Brake Switch 'B' Circuit High - Engine-Codes.com
The diagnostic trouble code P0724 indicates a problem with the Brake Switch 'B' Circuit High in the vehicle. The brake switch is a crucial component that communicates with the vehicle's onboard computer to indicate when the brake pedal is being pressed.
[SOLVED] P0724 Code: Fix High Brake Switch ‘b’ Circuit With Ease!
The fault code P0724 can be caused by the following: a faulty brake switch (stop light switch), an open or shorted brake switch harness, a poor electrical connection in the brake switch circuit, a misadjusted brake switch, or a faulty engine control module (ECM).
P0724 制动扭矩开关 B 传感器电路高 - AvtoTachki
2022年5月26日 · 故障代码 p0724 表示制动扭矩开关“b”传感器电路出现问题。 该传感器通常负责在踩下制动踏板时禁用巡航控制系统和变矩器锁止。 该电路还可以禁用变矩器锁止系统以及巡航控制系统。
P0724 Trouble Code: Meaning, Symptoms, Causes & Fixes
2024年4月4日 · The P0724 code means there’s a high voltage issue in the Brake Switch ‘B’ Circuit. A faulty brake switch is the most common cause behind the P0724 trouble code. Symptoms include erratic brake lights, cruise control issues, and potential starting difficulties.
P0724: Torque Converter/Brake Switch B Circuit High DTC Trouble …
Having a P0724 DTC indicates that the torque convertor clutch (TCC) may not disengage when it needs to, which could cause the engine to stall unexpectedly. It could also send the transmission into Limp Mode, which will lock it into one forward gear. Symptoms of a P0724 DTC include: How to Diagnose the Code?
P0724 – Torque converter/brake switch B -circuit high
2017年10月6日 · OBD II fault code P0724 is a generic code that is defined as “Torque converter/brake switch B -circuit high”, and is set when the PCM (Powertrain Control Module) detects a higher than expected signal voltage from the torque converter/brake switch.
P0724故障码,意味着“刹车开关B电路高”。 想象一下,当你踩下刹车踏板,本应传递给电子控制单元(ECU)的刹车信号却出现了异常——“电路高”。 这就好比是刹车信号的“电邮”被误发成了“已读不回”,让车辆的控制系统感到困惑。 故障原因与影响. 故障原因可能包括刹车开关的硬件问题、电路短路或断路、传感器故障等。 当这些“小部件”出现问题时,不仅刹车系统可能无法正常工作,还可能影响到车辆的安全性能,比如定速巡航功能的失效或液力变矩器的分离不畅。 维修 …
P0724故障码解释、处理方案及消除方法 - 车主指南
2017年6月17日 · P0724故障码,适用于所有汽车制造商,意思是刹车开关B电路高(Brake Switch B Circuit High)。 提示:快速查找故障码,可以关注“ 车主指南 ”公众号,回复故障代码,如:“ P0724 ”,即可获得对应故障码解释和解决方案。
2024年4月10日 · P0724故障码是指刹车开关B电路高的问题。 刹车开关的作用是将刹车踏板踩下与否的信息以电信号的形式传送给电子控制单元(ECU),作为停止定速巡航和分离液力变矩器的重要依据。 当汽车出现P0724故障码时,需要进行故障排除,并且清除故障码。 在清除故障码时,一定要按照指定车型所规定的故障代码清除方法来进行,不能直接拆除蓄电池的负极搭电线,否则可能会导致车辆性能下降或者功能丢失。 1. 检查刹车踏板开关是否接触不良或损坏,如果 …