Code P1158 Lack Of Heated Oxygen Sensor Switches Bank 2 …
Diagnostic trouble code P1158 indicates a lack of heated oxygen sensor switches on Bank 2 Sensor 2, which indicates a rich air-fuel mixture in the exhaust. The oxygen sensor is responsible for measuring the amount of oxygen in the exhaust gases and sending this information to the engine control module (ECM).
CSP历年复赛题-P1158 [NOIP2010 普及组] 导弹拦截 - 五月江城
2024年5月28日 · 原题链接:https://www.luogu.com.cn/problem/P1158. 题意解读:用两套拦截系统拦截全部导弹,计算最小的拦截系统半径平方和。 解题思路: 错误的思路: 枚举每一个导弹,计算到两套系统的距离,距离谁近就归属哪套系统管。 错误原因:
[SOLVED] P1158 Code: Rich Fuel Mixture - Fixing Heated Oxygen …
The P1158 code is triggered when the PCM detects that the HO2S2 signal remains above the voltage range for an extended period. This fault code indicates that there is a problem with the heated oxygen sensor switches in Bank 2 Sensor 2, leading to a consistently rich air-fuel mixture.
P1158 [NOIP2010 普及组] 导弹拦截 - CSDN博客
2021年2月20日 · 把每个导弹按到1号点的远近进行排序,显然枚举一个断点k,k前面的由1点完成,后面及k由2点完成。 cin>>x1>>y3>>x2>>y2>>n; for (int i=0;i<n;i++) { . cin>>a[i].x>>a[i].y; . a[i].u=(a[i].x-x1)*(a[i].x-x1)+(a[i].y-y3)*(a[i].y-y3); . a[i].v=(a[i].x-x2)*(a[i].x-x2)+(a[i].y-y2)*(a[i].y-y2); } sort(a,a+n,cmp); long long mx=0x7fffffff; for (int i=n-1;i>=0;i--) { . a[i].v=max(a[i+1].v,a[i].v); .
P1158 - 加热氧传感器开关故障,2 组传感器 2 指示浓氧 - OBD 代 …
2021年4月6日 · p1158 含义. 位于三元催化器(歧管)之后的加热氧传感器 2(ho2s2)(下游)监测每列废气中的氧含量。为了使催化剂达到最佳运行状态,空气-燃料混合物(空燃比)必须保持接近理想的化学计量比。输出电压 ho2s2 在化学计量比附近突然变化。
【洛谷p1158】导弹拦截 - Sweetness - 博客园
2019年6月15日 · 一道题是1999年的,然后我们现在要写的是经过11年韬光养晦之后的导弹拦截. SOLUTION: 要不先说一说我错误的贪心防止踩坑? 错误贪心1:40pts:先比较某个点到拦截系统1和2的距离,取距离较小的一个,然后看这个距离是否在当前的工作半径之内,如果在,继续循环,不在的话就更新当前某个拦截系统的工作半径。 显然这个贪心是不对的qwq(用jiaozhitou想想也可以想出来) if (d[i].dis1<d[i].dis2){ if (d[i].dis1<=now1) continue; now1 = d[i].dis1; else { if …
Code P1158 Lack Of Heated Oxygen Sensor Switches Bank 2 …
2020年7月24日 · How to Fix the DTC P1158? Review the 'Possible Causes' mentioned above and visually examine the corresponding wiring harness and connectors. Ensure to check for any damaged components and inspect the connector pins …
P1158 Chevrolet Code - HO2S Bank 2 Sensor 2 Rich Or High …
The P1158 code for Chevrolet vehicles indicates an issue with the HO2S (Heated Oxygen Sensor) Bank 2 Sensor 2, specifically that it is detecting a rich air-fuel mixture or high voltage.
Code P1158 Ford Lack Of Heated Oxygen Sensor Switches Bank 2 …
The diagnostic trouble code P1158 for Ford vehicles indicates a problem with the heated oxygen sensor (HO2S) on Bank 2 Sensor 2, which is located downstream of the catalytic converter and is responsible for monitoring the oxygen level in the exhaust gases.
P1158 BMW Code - Fuel Trim Adaptation Additive Low Bank 1
2020年7月23日 · Repair Information for P1158 BMW code. Learn what Fuel Trim Adaptation Additive Low Bank 1 means, location and how to repair?