Error P1578... brake system? - Tacoma World
2020年5月9日 · P1578 is a generic SAE code... Toyota-specific P1578 in your Tacoma, points towards a malfunction in the VSC, that manifests itself during cruise control operation. I'd take it to Toyota for further diagnostic.
P1578 - Brake System Failure - Toyota RAV4 Forums
2016年11月25日 · P1578/69 Brake System Malfunction - VSC system see page CC-26 OK, so page CC-26 says: (a) Check the DATA LIST for proper functioning of the stop light switch. (b) Remove the stop light switch. (c) Measure the resistance of the switch. (a) Remove the STOP and IGN fuses from the instrument panel junction block.
U0073 & P1578 Codes; cruise flashing - Toyota RAV4 Forums
2017年9月13日 · Tells me this happened one other time - an intermittent problem. I put a scan tool on it and get the above codes - with the P1578 code appearing twice. Research shows that the U0073 is 'ECM Mod Bus Off' and the P1578 is either a 'brake booster vacuum sensor' or 'yaw rate sensor' malfunction.
Does anyone have a diagram of all the ECU locations?
2016年9月10日 · Our 2010 RAV4 is having an issue where the 4WD, VSC and ABS lights come on nearly every time we drive the car. Toyota ran diagnostics on the car and found the following codes: P1578, U0073 and U0126. Their diagnosis is that the steering angle sensor module is not communicating with the 4WD ECU...
I won the DTC lottery! P010, P1578, C1223, C1241, U0105...
2023年3月20日 · Hi all, 2007 RAV4 Limited, 2AZ-FE, 213,000 miles. Driving with the cruise on yesterday, 73 mph, CEL, VSC & 4WD lights came on. No hesitation, sputtering or drivability issues. Stopped at an AutoZone, they pulled the codes. See below. Got home, connected Techstream, see below. Immediately...
Brake Booster Hissing Sound After Booster Replaced
2016年11月25日 · The hard pedal and rough idle went away but I am still getting P0171 and P0174 intermittently. Yesterday I also got a P1578. I still hear the hissing sound under the dash. The question: I still hear the hissing sound under the dash. Is that normal for a Rav4? It is not normal in any other car I have owned. Is the new brake booster defective?
Check Engine Light/VSC & 4WD lights explained - Toyota RAV4 …
2011年7月13日 · CEL illuminated along with Trac Inop light. Cruise control also failed to work (when turned on, cruise control light would simply blink). Got my poor drowned rat home and threw the OBD on it and spit out P0607 and P1578. Any ideas before I …
Intermittent P0171 Code - Toyota RAV4 Forums
2016年11月21日 · I can't find any real information on P1578. About six months ago I replaced the brake vacuum booster. I was having trouble with a hard pedal and I could hear a vacuum hissing under the dash. The hard pedal went away but I still hear the hissing sound. Is that normal for a Rav4? Anyone have any ideas on P1578?
Need help figuring out p0441! | Toyota RAV4 Forums
2021年11月18日 · P1578 is confusing as I am getting 2 different solutions from searches. I think it is a brake booster vacuum sensor fault on its circuit or sensor itself - again do a full visual on the harness and connectors right back to the ECU.
2010 Rav4: CEL, 4WD, Traction Control Light on when raining
2014年3月20日 · P1578 (Brake System) These seem to be older codes: P0300 (Random Misfire) C1201 (1. Brake Boost sensor circuit range/performance 2. Engine control system.) In reading other threads, the dealer replaced the o2 sensor and sometimes that …