P1780 code - trans ctrl switch??? - Ford-Trucks.com
2004年3月24日 · Hi guys i am having the same promblem in my expedition 2005 5.4L, the computer show me p1780 transmission control switch. the issue is like the presure in the …
OBD2 code of P1780 - Ford Truck Enthusiasts Forums
2012年3月11日 · A P1780 code is generated when the PCM/TCM does not see a change in state in the TCS/Overdrive Cancel/Tow Haul switch during the KOER test, [Key On Engine …
P1780 OBDII code - Ford Truck Enthusiasts Forums
1983 - 2012 Ranger & B-Series - P1780 OBDII code - When I get the code from the computer it's a P1780. I found that the code's description is: P1780 Trans Control Switch (O/D Cancel) Out …
2010 F350 w/P0088 & P1780 Codes - Ford Truck Enthusiasts Forums
2023年6月4日 · 1999 - 2016 Super Duty - 2010 F350 w/P0088 & P1780 Codes - While pulling skid steer in tow mode, truck went into limp mode on a hill. Shut off and restarted and it ran …
code p1780 - Ford Truck Enthusiasts Forums
2006年8月4日 · P1780 - Transmission Control Switch Out of Self-Test Range During KOER self-test the TCS has to be cycled, if not cycled a DTC is set. Possible causes: l TCS circuit short …
P1780 code - trans ctrl switch??? - Ford Truck Enthusiasts Forums
Sorry man i wasn't clear. My expedition 2005 5.4L, the computer show me the code p1780 transmission control switch. The issue in truck is like the presure in the throttle converter …
p1780 ford only with engine running 2019 f 550 6.7
2024年10月14日 · 2017 - 2022 Super Duty - p1780 ford only with engine running 2019 f 550 6.7 - Hello it's been a while since I posted i had a 6 year case of covid 藍 But seriously This truck …
2014 SD Trans Control Switch P1780 - Ford Truck Enthusiasts Forums
2019年10月17日 · 6.7L Power Stroke Diesel - 2014 SD Trans Control Switch P1780 - Getting MIL code P1780, cleared code twice, showed back up, looking for ideas of where to start on …
P1780 code - trans ctrl switch??? - Ford Truck Enthusiasts Forums
1997 - 2006 Expedition & Navigator - P1780 code - trans ctrl switch??? - I have been having an intermittent problem with my Navigator that has acted like a bad plug or coil. Under load …
Dtc code 1780 - Ford Truck Enthusiasts Forums
2020年9月16日 · The P1780 probably means the test operator failed to cycle the TCS during KOER test. It is very unlikely to be indicative in any way as to what is wrong with the truck or …