The P2008JC MkII is powered by the ROTAX 912 S2 engine. This powerplant and associated cowlings are similar to all of the existing Tecnam line models with few modifications. The P2008JC MkII has higher fuel capacity than the existing line (55x2 lt - 14.5x2 US Gal) and tanks are installed in the wing box, behind the main spar.
Tecnam P2008 - Wikipedia
The P2008 is a conventionally laid out strut braced high-wing monoplane aimed specifically at the US market. Resembling the earlier Tecnam P92 and P2004 in general appearance, the P2008 differs by introducing a carbon fibre fuselage and integrated fin.The wings and tailplane are all-metal. It can be adapted to LSA, ultralight or ELA1 categories. [3] [2]The wing leading edge is straight except ...
The P2008JC has metal Wings and a metal stabilator. Tecnam chose metal wings and stabilator structures for strength, reliability, and ability to flex in flight providing a more comfortable ride. To produce the desired increase in cabin width and greater …
FUEL SYSTEM The fuel system is designed to supply the reciprocating engine (Bombardier-Rotax 912 S2) with the suitable flow rate and pressure according to engine limitations re- quired by Rotax. Following figure shows the fuel system assy of P2008JC airplane. Fig.7-7. Page 136 AFMS S8 - MD302 and G3X Touch Page M7-12 9. E LECTRICAL YSTEM ...
p2008jc采用高性能碳纤维机身,全金属机翼,保证飞机有更高的强度及稳定性的同时,空机重量更轻,携带燃油量更大,续航时间长。 分段渐缩式上单翼,NACA63A翼型,使飞机的气动效率极高,且具备出色的静稳定性。
P2008JC Innovation is in the air The single-engine Tecnam P2008JC’s versatility and ease of use have established it as both the aircraft of choice for Flight Training Organizations worldwide as well as recreational flyers alike. The Tecnam P2008JC MkII is the best in its class, it incorporates a level of comfort,
CS-VLA- Tecnam P2008 JC MKII - Tecnam España
El P2008JC está disponible como VFR Day y VFR night. Esta versión tiene un nuevo sistema de iluminación mejorado que presenta interruptores de luz ambiental y atenuadores e instrumento de actitud de respaldo MD302. Los clientes también pueden elegir la hélice disponible como 2 o 3 palas, para aquellos pilotos que vuelan en aeródromos con ...
Tecnam P2008JC - Tecnam Flight Academy
The Tecnam P2008JC is a high wing, two place, single engine airplane equipped with tricycle landing gear. But is not only that. The P2008JC MkII is up-to-date technology with composite fuselage, safe and easy flying with beauty, inside and outside. The Tecnam P2008JC MkII is delivered in full compliance with the requirements of EASA CS-VLA.
TECNAM P2008 JC FLIGHT MANUAL Pdf Download | ManualsLib
Page 1 Aircraft Flight Manual Doc. No. 20081100 Ed.1-Rev.6 uary 2a1 h 2016, TECNAM P2008 JC AIRCRAFf MODEL:P2008 JC COSTRUZJONt AERONAUTtCHE MANUFACTURER: TECNAMs.r.l. EASA TYPE CERTIFICATE No:A .583 (DATED 2013, 27 SEPTEMBER) ..SERIAL NUMBER: .H.B. REGISTRATION MARKI This Aircraft Flight Manual is approved by...; Page 2 Page RECORD OF REVISIONS SECTION 0 Record provid e d Any revision to the ...
The P2008JC is powered by the Rotax 912 S2 engine. This powerplant and associated cowlings are similar to all of the existing Tecnam line models with few modifications. The P2008JC has higher fuel capacity than the existing line (55x2 lt - 14.5x2 US Gal) and tanks are installed in the wing box, behind the main spar.