Chevy P2A01 Code: Troubleshooting O2 Sensor Problem
Of the real problem is the catalytic converter, should the O2 sensor be replaced or not?
Fixing P0137 & P2A01 Codes on 2006 GMC Sierra 2500HD
Customer: 2006 GMC Sierra 2500HD. Im getting two codes for the same sensor. P0137 and P2A01. Ive replaced the oxygen sensor with a new one brand name but still comes back. Could it be a fuse?
Buick P2A01 Code: Oxygen Sensor Circuit Range - JustAnswer
Had to replace oxygen sensor closest to engine. now I still have light on. Code says p2a01 oxygen sensor circuit range.
Expert Q&A: Troubleshooting P2A01 Code on 2005 GMC Pick V-6
I have code p2a01 on a 2005 gmc pick up v-6 can yuo tell me what the problem is
Solving 07 HHR 2.2 Codes P0137, P0171, P2A01 - Quick FAQ
07 hhr 2.2 P0137 p0171 p2A01 07 hhr 2.2 P0137 p0171 p2A01 Answered in 5 minutes by: GM Mechanic: Allen Taddicken Allen Taddicken Category: GM Satisfied Customers: 4,021 Experience: Expert Verified Welcome to JustAnswer, my name is Allen I will be assisting you with your vehicle question today. Who do I have the pleasure of speaking with today? I am reviewing your question and will reply again ...
Fix Ford 6.7 No Start: P2291, P2087, P229F, P2A01 Errors
Ford 6.7 1FDUF5GT6DEA81085 P2291, P2087. Also P229F, P2A01. Driver says there was a loud pop, smoke and engine died.
Customer: i'm getting the code p2a01 and p0140 Mechanic's Assistant: Just to clarify, what's the exact code? And have you tried to reset it? Customer: i just did but i feel it may reappear Mechanic's Assistant: What is the model/year of your Chevy? Customer: 2007 impala Mechanic's Assistant: Are you fixing your Impala yourself? What have you tried so far? Customer: I've only out the computer ...
Chevy P2A01 Code: Troubleshooting and Solutions | JustAnswer
07 chevy 1500 2wd 4.8L. ses code p2A01.
Q&A: Ford 6.7 Diesel - P2A01 Code & Emission Recall | JustAnswer
Just got the emission recall and have codes now. Bummer, no, 2015 ford F-450 6.7 deisel, po170, po402, p2a01 codes
CHEVY ERROR CODES P2A01 & P2A04: Q&A for P2A01, P2
2007年5月3日 · Welcome. There are 2 possible reasons for this. First is the oxygen sensor. I would swap it to the other side and see if the misfire follows. The other possible cause is plugged catalytic converter for the left bank. If the oxygen sensor does not work, remove the left one and see if the misfire goes away.CHEVY ERROR CODES P2A01 & P2A04: Q&A for P2A01, P2