中華碩銓科技股份有限公司 - SOCHAMP
ZCOM SP250 Wi-Fi 6室外覆蓋 Dual-Band AP,符合802.11ax 標準,內建高功率放大器以及廣域覆蓋型天線,傳輸速率最高可達到1,774 Mbps配備Qualcomm 企業等級晶片組,在廣域涵蓋範圍仍維持超高效的連線效率;耐寬溫、防雷擊、IP67等級防水防塵設計,確保產品在天候變化急遽 ...
P2i's ultra-thin barrier coatings - P2i
P2i protects products from liquid damage sustainably and with the lowest TCO. We achieve this by delivering ultra-thin plasma conformal coatings to the market. This preserves their value, …
Technical Specifications - P2i
Compare the technical specifications of our products. Explore our coatings’ performance, their physical properties and which regulations they are compliant with. P2i’s unique technology …
SP250-S5室外無線存取點:Wi-Fi 6 (802.11 ax) 2x2 雙頻 戶外無線存 …
超高傳輸速率,超遠傳輸距離 在典型應用中,長距離無線基地台SP250-S5具備高達37dBm的EIRP發射功率,能夠實現比同類系統更遠通信距離的鏈路預算,並可實現遠程通訊連線。 更優秀的性能
中国人 - P2i
P2i独特的技术在分子水平上起作用,提供了市面上最薄、最坚固的液体防护。 这种方法使我们能够增强任何固体表面的性能并最大限度地提高保护。
SP250-A04戶外型閘道器:4GLTE 2x2雙頻雙流 802.11ax-zcom
為了快速部署與設定,SP250-A04能被 無線控制器( Wireless LAN Controller , WLC) 或是 zMEC平台 (container-based)進行列管。 經由智捷科技無線控制器(WLC) 進行遠程監察、排除狀況與網路優化。
The SP250 / SP250-S5 efficiently manage up to 1024 Wi-Fi client connections with improved capacity and faster speeds with dual-band concurrent up to 1.774Gbps data rates. With built-in coverage antennas, SP250 fully complies with IEEE 802.11ax, including OFDMA Modulation, MU-MIMO, and BSS Color Spatial Reuse.
2MP MIPI Camera Module Fixed Focus 30FPS 1920x1080 Resolution SP250
The Sinoseen 2MP MIPI Camera Module integrates a 2-megapixel (2MP) SP250 image sensor and a fixed-focus lens, providing high-quality image capture at a resolution of 1920x1080.
2022年1月7日 · 据P2i中国地区经理张华东详细介绍,手机上产品在生产制造和生产制造的环节中会发生很多汽体,而这种气领悟危害做雾化表层的镀膜結果,在极度干燥的空气中静置2钟头可以做到解决汽体的結果。
Brochures - P2i
P2i’s revolutionary plasma coating delivers industry-leading protection and is fully reworkable, ensuring manufacturers reduce scrap and improve production yield while maximising liquid protection to increase product lifetime, reduce field repairs and returned products, and eliminate waste in the manufacturing process.