My solutions for Error code P3081 and p0118 - AudiWorld
2008年9月18日 · Gone was the P3081, a new P0118 had taken it's place. Resetting the code, the CEL hasn't come back on yet.
Code P3081 - AudiWorld Forums
2009年10月14日 · yes, cleared them multiple times and the code comes back without check engine light. the light comes on 10-15 min later. when i start the engine in the morning it should idle at higher rpm for a few min. (aprox. 1500), but when the code is active rpm stays low about 750. than I erase code with OBD2 reader and immidietly …
Code P3081 troubles - AudiWorld Forums
2022年4月13日 · A4 (B7 Platform) Discussion - Code P3081 troubles - I have just one code (for now), P3081 as I study this code people are searching in many areas. What doesn't work currently is the heater. At full heat (both sides) I only get luke warm air in any vent. My engine temp gauge starts off full cold and slowly moves toward...
CEL P3081 - AudiWorld Forums
2008年3月17日 · TT (Mk1) Discussion - CEL P3081 - This code appears to have something to do with engine temp. However, it came on after engine was cold and driven about 0.5mi.
A4 B6 1.8T code P3081 - AudiWorld Forums
2020年7月13日 · A4 (B6 Platform) Discussion - A4 B6 1.8T code P3081 - Hi there, my car cold starts are on low revolutions (800 rpm) as if it was hot and the fans turn on quickly afterwards. I get a code P3081 Engine Temperature Too Low. I replaced the two coolant temperature sensors and the thermostat, but the problem persists. Also...
Help P2181, P3081 - AudiWorld Forums
2019年1月9日 · A6 / S6 (C6 Platform) Discussion - Help P2181, P3081 - Recently my 2006 Audi A6 has begun shutting off after a rough idle while standing in traffic. I got the codes checked being P2181, and P3081. So I change the thermostat, along with the sensor at the back of the engine, coolant temperature sensor I believe.
Code P3081 - Page 2 - AudiWorld Forums
P3081 19537 Engine temperature too low Note: Let engine warm up; coolant temperature must be at least 50 C (122 F), advance scan tool to Diagnostic mode 1: Check measured values; PID 5, Coolant temperature.
Audi A6 problem! P3081 code - AudiWorld Forums
P3081 code - My 2004 Audi A6 car won't start sometimes. After driving all in town for awhile then shut it off then start again after short time period it won't start. It's trying to start but it's not and we hold the gas sometimes while starting or keep pressing the gas and...
Audi A6 2.7T engine problem! Found code P3081. Help!
2015年6月2日 · A6 / S6 (C5 Platform) Discussion - Audi A6 2.7T engine problem! Found code P3081. Help! - y 2004 Audi A6 2.7T car won't start sometimes. After driving all in town for awhile then shut it off then start again after short time period it won't start. It's trying to start but it's not and we hold the gas sometimes while...
2004 Audi A6 2.7t - P2181 - P3081 - Cold start problems.
2012年4月12日 · A6 / S6 (C6 Platform) Discussion - 2004 Audi A6 2.7t - P2181 - P3081 - Cold start problems... - Hi everyone, I have an 2004 Audi A6 2.7t. For the last week, when I am trying to start my engine from cold, it tries to start, initially it …