Why is the P-521 elliptic curve not in Suite B if AES-256 is?
2015年5月7日 · The real question isn't "Why doesn't Suite B use P-521?" It is, "Why doesn't Suite B use AES-192?" NSA were only interested in 192-bit security for Suite B, but they chose to …
diffie hellman - ECDH security vs. type of elliptic curve ...
2023年3月27日 · For most elliptic curves in general use, the security level in bits is approximately half the number of bits in the curve. Thus, X25519 and P256 provide about 128-bit security, …
Why do the elliptic curves recommended by NIST use 521 bits …
$\begingroup$ In contrast to, say, edwards448, E-521 is overkill, which is why the CFRG adopted edwards448 and not E-521 for RFC 7748: edwards448 obtains a much higher security level …
dsa - Why OpenSSH prefers ECDSA nistp256 keys over -384 and
2020年9月30日 · Stack Exchange Network. Stack Exchange network consists of 183 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for …
elliptic curves - How many qubits can break NIST P-521 ECC ...
2022年12月31日 · $\begingroup$ It means the overall run time is for one day. The physical qubits used will be initialised and measured at different stages (and will only need to be coherent …
What ECDSA key is used to sign the ECDHE key exchange?
2018年4月30日 · The problem is that the signature algorithm for the key exchange seems to be ECDSA-P521-SHA512. (Firefox reports "Signature Scheme: ECDSA-P521-SHA512" in the …
encryption - How can I tell which curve a given ECDSA …
2013年7月22日 · Signatures make sense only if there is a verifier somewhere, and the verifier uses the public key, which is public.
521-bit ECC keys are the same strength as RSA 15,360-bit keys
2020年4月14日 · 521-bit ECC keys are the same strength as RSA 15,360-bit keys. Yes, this is the common wisdom. If you look through the tables at keylength.com you will find that a rough 256 …
Equivalent RSA modulus for NIST P-192 and P-521 elliptic curves
2018年12月3日 · At www.keylength.com, I found the following table of ECC field size and the corresponding RSA modulus recommended by NIST. ECC Modulus RSA Prime Size 160 …
ECC key size and signature size - Cryptography Stack Exchange
2017年7月14日 · My understanding of ECDSA signature length is that it depends on the key size. So for instance, if a "prime256v1" is used, the signature length will be 64 because (n/8)*2 and …