P.68C - Vulcanair
The Vulcanair Aircraft P.68C Series is a six seater, twin engine, high wing, fixed landing gear aircraft.
Partenavia P.68 - Wikipedia
The Partenavia P.68, now Vulcanair P68, is a light aircraft designed by Luigi Pascale and initially built by Italian company Partenavia. It made its first flight on 25 May 1970, its type certification was granted on 17 November 1971 and was transferred to Vulcanair in 1998.
Vulcanair P68C - AOPA
The VR P68C is powered by two 200-horsepower Lycoming IO-360 engines that can utilize the aircraft’s 177-gallon fuel load to provide 7 hours of endurance. The aircraft can be configured for 6 passengers or for cargo only. For more information, contact Vulcanair Aircraft at or via https://www.vulcanair.com/p68c.
PARTENAVIA P68C Specifications, Cabin Dimensions, Performance
PARTENAVIA P68C manufactured by Partenavia. Specs, range, speed, operating weights and performance for the PARTENAVIA P68C here
P68飞机 - 百度百科
P68系列飞机是意大利Vulcanair公司生产的双发固定翼飞机,装备2台莱康明发动机,2+4座位布局,航程3000公里。 在全球范围内被广泛应用在海洋巡视,警务监控,航摄,石油管道及电网巡视,遥感,医疗急救,人道救援等诸多领域。 P68飞机闻名于全球,无论是价格、座位数、航程,都有无可比拟的优势。 [1] 2013年1月,P68系列飞机正式进入中国,中国天津无限航空成为Vulcanair官方代理,负责Vulcanair旗下飞机在中国的市场开拓。 [2-3] P68C系列 [4] :安全、 …
P.68C TC - Vulcanair
Relative to the normally aspirated engine of P.68C, the P.68C TC features better climb rates and increased performance guarantee. The P.68C TC is the sensible alternative to many single engine and light twin aircraft in today’s General Aviation market.
P68C | AirItalia - Vulcanair
The Vulcanair Aircraft P68C Series is a six seater, twin engine, high wing, fixed landing gear aircraft. Relative to its predecessors the aircraft is offered with numerous improvements such as a modern glass cockpit, a new autopilot, adjustable seats, a standard pilot door, sturdier main gear and brakes, and a higher maximum zero fuel weight.
训练用飞机 - P.68C - VULCANAIR S.p.A. - 旅游用 / 单引擎 / 活塞发 …
Vulcanair飞机P.68C系列是一种六座、双引擎、高翼、固定起落架飞机。 相对于它的前辈,今年的飞机提供了许多标准的改进,如完全重新设计的驾驶舱,具有全新的航空电子套件,包括新的Garmin G-1000 NXI,加上新的Garmin GFC700数字自动驾驶仪和偏航减震器,可调座椅,标准的飞行员门,更坚固的主齿轮和制动器,以及更高的最大零燃油重量,加上惊人的机翼寿命限制为21550小时。 P.68C是当今通用航空市场上许多单引擎和轻型双翼飞机的明智选择。 第二台发 …
P68C - Ameravia Inc
The P68C is a docile and stable aircraft in the whole flight envelope with superior flight qualities. The Vulcanair Aircraft P68C Series is a six-seater, twin-engine, high-wing, fixed landing gear aircraft.
VH-TZN - 2011 VULCANAIR/PARTENAVIA P68C - Aircraft.com
***Price: $570,000 USD*** The Vulcanair P68C is renowned for being a versatile, safe and reliable aircraft. It is an extremely economical twin with economy cruise yielding a TAS of around 149 Kt for approx. 20 Gal (76 L) per hour. This aircraft has been maintained to the highest possible standard by North East Aviation who are Vulcanair experts.