Aether PF Strats - P9S
Standard letters on cardinals, numbers on intercards for spread and partner mechanics. Set up clock spots, light parties, and color pairs. Copy and paste the below text into a new user macro for relaying mechanics at the start of the fight: Raidplans/Links. 🔗 Levinstrike - ALL PF Strats (Hector) 🔗 Levinstrike - Split/Mario (Joonbob)
P9s Limit-Cut 1 simulation : r/ffxivdiscussion - Reddit
2023年6月29日 · My static struggles with LC1 so I made a couple macros to simulate the mechanic. We practiced this in Shivas Arena and it helped greatly improve our success-rate.
P9S Limit Cut 1 JP Strat | Levinstrike Summoning | Every POV
2023年6月3日 · Video showing all pov for the mechanic Levinstrike summoning/lc1/limit cut 1 JP 'braindead' strat that people refer it as for p9 savage raid in ff14/ffxiv C...
P9S | FFXIV Elemental Raid Macros
Check the Scrambled Succession (“Limit Cut 1”) strat used. Japanese parties will go with the strat that has the party run around in a circle (known as 無職マラソン in Japanese). English parties may do the “Intercard” strat that resolves two of the Ice AoEs at one corner, before flipping the map around (known as ぶたばら式 in Japanese).
P9S Limit Cut 1 JP braindead strat (Levinstrike) - YouTube
2023年5月31日 · Our static doing the JP Braindead strat for Limit Cut 1 or Levinstrike in P9SLink to raidplan for this strathttps://raidplan.io/plan/Y20_TqWLY9kGTmFaY20_TqWL...
P9S LC1 JP Strat - Quick Fix to Player 6 : r/ffxiv - Reddit
2023年6月3日 · Better fix is to not use JP strat. But also this is a fine bandaid fix and can definitely help. Unfortunately PF is dumb and won't do anything except things that make their lives harder. Fortunately, individuals can use this adjustment without the rest of the strat changing, so anyone who sees this and struggles should 100% try to use this.
【FFXIV】Anabaseios: The Ninth Circle P9S Week 1 Clear (SAM …
2023年6月2日 · Week 1 clear P9S Strat: Intercard/Braindead LC1 - E/W LC2 First fight of the tier and already we have limit cut?? Mannn, yoship sure knows how to throw a curve ball at us.
P9S | Materia Raiding
Using Oppo for Scrambled Succession (LC1) - compatible with Xeno. Note: Before the Chimeric Succession cast is complete, position tanks and melee (MT ST D1 D2) inside the boss hitbox and healers and ranged (H1 H2 D3 D4) outside the boss hitbox to bait 1-4 defamations. (edited) June 9, 2023. JP Intercard LC.
Braindead P9S - FFXIV Macro
2023年6月1日 · ┌ Clock Positions ┐┌ Limit Cut ┐ Colour Coded Pairs Tower 6 8 2 4 Fire 2 4 6 8 Ice Opposite └ ┘ ┌ Meteor Spreads ┐ - Markers - └ ┘ -Red -Yellow ┌ Limit cut 2 ┐ -Blue -Purple Group north Group 1 first cleaves 1-3 SE 2-4 SW Prio W>N>E └ ┘└ ┘
P9S - JP/braindead Limit cut guide : r/ffxiv - Reddit
2023年5月31日 · Switching spots after the 2nd set is bound to cause issues in pf as opposed to having “fixed” spots according to the current tower. Why? We cleared it early with something similar and removing the blue people from thinking at all actually made it pretty easy. Um… towers still need to rotate since he shoots the balls either CW or CCW?