Apply to Become a Forest Fire Warden | Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
If you are interested in becoming a Pennsylvania Forest Fire Warden contact your local forest district office. For more than 100 years, forest fire wardens have kept Pennsylvania's forests safe from fires. They have special powers and duties given by law. Their work follows specific rules.
Wildfire | Department of Conservation and Natural Resources ... - PA.GOV
If you are interested in becoming a Pennsylvania Forest Fire Warden contact your local forest district office. The greatest danger of wildfires in Pennsylvania occurs during the spring months of March, April, and May, and the autumn months of October and November. In Pennsylvania, 99 percent of all wildfires are caused by people.
Updated copies of the Pennsylvania Forest Fire Warden Program manual have been distributed to the Bureau of Forestry staff and are available by contacting your District Forest Fire Warden. Several changes were made that our local Forest Fire Wardens should be aware of.
The continued existence and success of the Forest Fire Warden organization is due in large part to the commitment and resiliency of those involved. For many years, you have understood the commitment to preparing, equipping, and training your crew members and local fire department personnel. This commitment has
Pennsylvania Forest Fire Wardens Association District 17 - Facebook
Pennsylvania Forest Fire Wardens Association District 17. 3,120 likes · 2 talking about this. We are here to promote wildland fire prevention, suppression and education within the Commonwealth of...
SUPERVISION: Members must be under the supervision of the crew Fire Warden, a Special Assistant Fire Warden or other local Fire Warden while assigned to a wildfire or other incident. Crew members must be managed under the concept of span-of-control: one supervisor for every
Weiser Wildland Firefighters Inc.
Weiser Wildland Firefighters Inc was founded to provide additional personnel to the Pennsylvania DCNR, Bureau of Forestry and in particular the District Forest Fire Warden, for the purpose of wildfire suppression, training, fire prevention, and other emergency incidents.
Burn Bans | Department of Conservation and Natural Resources ... - PA.GOV
Burn bans are a tool used to protect life, property, and natural resources from wildfire. Ninety-eight percent of the wildfires in Pennsylvania are a direct result of people’s actions, and place emergency responders directly in harm’s way. They also tie up emergency responders and equipment that serve the community in the event of traffic ...
Pennsylvania Statutes | Forest Fire Wardens - Casetext
Section 1313 - Wardens to report to quarter sessions; penalty for failure to report; Section 1314 - Definition of "forest" Section 1315 - Appointment of special fire-wardens authorized; powers and duties; Section 1316 - Foresters and rangers to be fire-wardens ex officio; Section 1317 - No compensation to special and ex officio wardens except ...
Pennsylvania Forest Fire Warden - doczz.net
In each of Pennsylvania’s 20 forest districts, the District Forest Fire Warden determines the need and supervises the work of local Forest Fire Wardens. The District Forest Fire Warden can assist interested individuals in obtaining the training and experience necessary to become a local Forest Fire Warden or crew member.