ISPF keyboard keys and functions - IBM
PA1 is a very important key for TSO users and every user should know how to find it on the keyboard. Back in the early days, the "real" 3270 terminals had keys labeled PA1, PA2, and PA3. These were called Program Action keys or PA keys. In practice, only PA1 is still widely used and it functions as a break key for TSO.
What is PA1 key? - Mainframe, MVS and zOS Discussion
2015年10月3日 · However, we cannot tell you what key(s) to hit to generate a PA1. The specific key combination depends upon the 3270 emulator you are using and hence you need to use the Help function of your Reflections or PC Connection or Hummingbird or whatever terminal emulator you use to connect to the mainframe to find out how to generate the PA1.
Key Functions and Keyboard Setup - IBM
PA1: Alt+Insert 2: PA2: Alt+Home 2: PA3: Shift+PageUp 2: Pause: Ctrl+F7: PF1 to PF12: F1 to F12: PF13 to PF24: Shift+F1 to F12: Play: Ctrl+F6: PS Field Inherit: Ctrl+Shift+(pad)0: ... The key used is the same for all the supported keyboard types. Notes: If you use iSeries from the combined package, see Default Key Functions for the Combined ...
What are the ATTENTION keys? - IBM Mainframe Community
2005年9月2日 · The PA1 key may be used to interrupt a process, such as an executing program. ThePA2 key is used to refresh the screen within ISPF. The CLEAR key is used to clear the screen; however, within ISPF, it is usually necessary to use the PA2 key immediately after using the CLEAR key.
Attention interrupt key - IBM
This key allows you to interrupt or end a process that is taking place. If you are in a process you want to stop or see a message requesting information you do not have, you can press the attention interrupt key to end the process. The attention interrupt key often is labeled "PA1". Sometimes it is called an escape key and is labeled "Esc".
PA1 and RESET Keys - Broadcom
PA1 and RESET Keys. When working on a non‑SNA terminal, the PA1 and the RESET keys let you interrupt long‑running CA Auditor functions. On most terminals, you press the RESET key and then the PA1 key. The function is interrupted, and an Attention Interrupt screen appears. You have three options: End processing Resume processing
Win 虚拟按键对照表(Virtual-Key Codes) - 滔Roy - 博客园
2021年6月28日 · Win 虚拟按键对照表(Virtual-Key Codes) 下表显示了系统使用的虚拟键代码的符号常量名称、十六进制值以及鼠标或键盘等效项。代码按数字顺序列出。 Constant/value(常量/值) Description(描述) VK_LBUTTON Left mouse button 0x0 ... VK_PA1. PA1 key. 0xFD. VK_OEM_CLEAR. Clear key. 0xFE . 创建 ...
zOSLab1.docx - zOS Lab1 - Exercises for Chapter 4 - TSO/E ...
2021年9月16日 · Your 3270 emulator has a PA1 (ESC) key. You can use the PA1 key to end the command output. When you see the three asterisks (***), it indicates that your screen is filled. Press Enter to continue or PA1 to discontinue display. Copy and paste the first few lines displayed by the LISTC command.
Reference - Session Settings - Keyboard - Platypus Partners
When a key or key combination is pressed on your keyboard JET 3270 can emulate the effect of a different key from a 3270 terminal being pressed. JET 3270 is said to "map" the keyboard key to the 3270 terminal key. ... PA1: Pgup Alt+Insert: PA2: Pgdn Alt+Home: PA3: Shift+Pgup: Attn: Esc: Backspace: none: Backtab: Shift+Tab: Clear: Pause: Cursor ...
virtual-key-codes – 小菜菜的博客
2021年7月31日 · 虚拟键编码映射表. The following table shows the symbolic constant names, hexadecimal values, and mouse or keyboard equivalents for the virtual-key codes used by the system.