Polyamide (Nylon 6) – Database of ATR-FT-IR spectra of various …
ATR-FT-IR spectra of conservation-related materials in the MID-IR and FAR-IR region
FTIR spectra of neat PA6 and PA6/GN nanocomposites.
The FTIR spectrum of the neat PA6 showed peaks at 3296 cm -1 , 2934 cm -1 and 2864 cm -1 which correspond to the N-H bending vibration in primary amine [20], C- H in phase and C-H out of phase...
FTIR spectroscopy study of polyamide-6 irradiated by electron …
2012年4月1日 · Polyamide-6 (PA-6) irradiated by a 500 kGy electron beam (EB) dose or by 500 and 1000 kGy proton beam (PB) doses was examined by FTIR spectroscopy, crosslinked portion determination, DSC and tensile properties measurements.
FT-IR spectrum of virgin PA6 product of the reaction
The IR measurements of virgin PA6 are in a good agreement with polyamide-6 structure (Fig. 1). It is shown that the broad band at 3301.81 cm -1 , usually assigned to the N–H bending vibration in...
Understanding the crystallization behavior of polyamide …
2016年8月29日 · The molecular chain motions of PA6 and PA66 during the alloy crystallization were successfully separated using Proj-MW2D correlation FTIR spectroscopy. Two main issues were addressed. The first one is that the generating capacity of hydrogen bonds between PA6 and PA66 is actually very weak, although this type of hydrogen bond can be generated ...
ATR-FTIR spectrum of PA6 | Download Scientific Diagram
PA6 and PA6/FKL films were analyzed by FTIR spectroscopy in attenuated total reflection (ATR) mode, this mode was used due to opacity of the samples. The spectrum obtained from PA6 sample...
用TGA-FTIR联用技术研究聚酰胺6的热降解行为 - 豆丁网
2016年2月28日 · 摘 要:用TGA-FTIR 联用技术实时研究了聚酰胺6 在高纯氮气和等速升温(10 C / min)条件下的热降解行为。 果表明聚酰胺6 的热分解温度范围为320 ~490 C,550 C时的残留量仅为2%。 在主要降解温度范围内其气相产. ,脂肪族碳氢类物质和低聚物。 这些产物的生成表明聚酰胺6 可能是通过均裂及顺式消除机理. 在N-烷基酰胺键处断裂而进行热降解的。 tro ed heating (10 C / min). The resu ts showed that the therma degradation of po yamide 6 occurs in. the …
FT-IR spectroscopic study of hydrogen bonding in PA6/clay ...
2002年4月1日 · We apply Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR) and X-ray diffraction (XRD) and focus on hydrogen bonding and the different crystalline phases in PA6. We focus on the reason why silicate layers favor the formation of γ-phase in PA6.
FTIR spectroscopy study of polyamide - Academia.edu
Polyamide-6 (PA-6) irradiated by a 500 kGy electron beam (EB) dose or by 500 and 1000 kGy proton beam (PB) doses was examined by FTIR spectroscopy, crosslinked portion determination, DSC and tensile properties measurements.
热重-红外(TG-FTIR)联用技术在PA6热解研究上的应用 - 原子荧 …
2024年12月2日 · PA6(尼龙6),是半透明或不透明乳白色粒子,具有热塑性、轻质、韧性好、耐化学品和耐久性好等特性,一般用于汽车零部件、机械部件、电子电器产品、工程配件等产品。 PA6为大分子链上含有酰胺基团重复结构单元的一类聚合物,其热降解机理对于阻燃研究来说是相当重要的。 1 实验方法. 1.1 样品及仪器. PA6(尼龙6,颗粒状,德国巴斯夫公司生产,工业品) FTIR-850. 可加热气体室及传输线附件. TG 209 F1(德国耐驰公司) 1.2实验程序设定. 1.2.1 …
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