PA6-MD30 Datasheet - DuPont Plastics, Polymers & Resins
DuPont™ Minlon® Mineral Reinforced Nylon Resin -- Minlon® 73M30 NC010 PA6-MD30 Minlon® 73M30 NC010 is a 30% mineral reinforced, heat stabilized polyamide 6 resin for injection molding. It has isotropic properties and low warpage.
EMS-Grivory Grivory® BM-30/2 PA6-MD30 - lookpolymers.com
Product description: Grilon BM-30/2 is a 30% mineral reinforced PA6 injection molding grade. Grilon BM-30/2 has the following important properties: Iow warpageImpact resistantIsotropic shrinkage App..
Minlon® 73M30 NC010 - materials.celanese.com
Minlon®尼龙树脂的共性包括机械能和物理性能,比如说高机械强度、刚性和韧性之间良好的平衡、良好的高温性能、耐化学品、可喷涂、尺寸稳定性和低翘曲。 Zytel®尼龙产品线可提供改善电性能和阻燃性能的产品规格。 另外,Minlon®尼龙树脂也有多种改性和增强规格为特殊加工和终端客户提供定制的性能。 Minlon®尼龙树脂良好的热稳定性能通常使正确处理的生产废弃物回收成为可能。 如果不能回收使用,我们建议的优先选择是在合适的装置中焚烧进行能量回收(基体树 …
杜邦PA矿物增强 MINLON®矿物增强尼龙 树脂 _产品中心_深圳市 …
杜邦™MINLON ®增强尼龙具有更好的尺寸稳定性和抗蠕变性比未增强尼龙,和较低的翘曲比玻璃增强尼龙。 其结果是,杜邦™MINLON ®增强尼龙树脂是在大工业零件和苛刻的汽车应用中通常使用的“主力”聚合物。 它可以在传统的热塑性模塑设备中容易地加工,提供多功能性和潜在的效率。 MINLON ®已被广泛测试,证明了广泛的应用,使其更容易与杜邦公司的专家合作,以满足新应用的特定性能,成本和生产的需要。 经营方针 把力量集中于擅长的领域,以确保该业务领域的 …
Mineral reinforced injection moulding grade. Applications are for components with good dimensional stability and low warpage tendency (wheels covers, housings and engine covers).
Product description: Grilon BM-30/2 is a 30% mineral reinforced PA6 injection molding grade. Grilon BM-30/2 has the following important properties: Iow warpageImpact resistantIsotropic shrinkage Application examples are engineering parts with high stiffness and low
Minlon® 73M30 NC010|PA6-MD30|DuPont物性表报告及物性特性介绍,Minlon® 73M30 NC010|PA6 ...
免责声明: 本文 Minlon® 73M30 NC010|PA6-MD30|DuPont 仅代表作者个人观点,中国塑胶原料之家无关。中国塑胶原料之家网所转载的内容,其版权均由原作者和资料提供方所拥有!如因作品版权问题需要处理,请与我们联络
数据表 ALTECH PA6 A 4030/100 MR30 - CAMPUSplastics
This datasheet of ALTECH PA6 A 4030/100 MR30 from MOCOM Compounds GmbH & Co. KG is provided by the international plastics database CAMPUS.
EMS-Grivory Grivory® BM-30 PA6-MD30 datasheet
Product description: Grilon BM-30 is a 30% mineral reinforced PA6 injection moulding grade. Grilon BM-30 has the following important properties: heat stabilizedimpact resistantisotropic shrinkagelig..
Ultramid B3M6 is a 30% mineral reinforced injection molding PA6 grade for industrial items requiring high impact strength and very high dimensional stability, excellent laser markability. Typical applications include industrial items.