Translate Latin to English | Translate.com
Translate between many language pairs to and from English. We can also support additional language pairs upon request. Latin-to-English translation is made accessible with the Translate.com dictionary. Accurate translations for words, phrases, and …
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How to learn Latin: ‘unum facere et aliud non omittere’ (pars prior)
If we were to ask students and teachers the question, “What is Latin?” we would hear a multitude of adjectives related to the word: alive or (almost always) dead; useful or (mostly) useless; beautiful and ugly; ancient; interesting; boring; hard; not to mention Catholic; classist; Fascist.
How to learn Latin: ‘unum facere et aliud non omittere’ (pars altera)
The ideal approach would be unum facere et aliud non omittere, to obtain a complete understanding of a classical text in its original language. The fundamental question is the following: why read the classics in Latin?
Ars poetica - Wikisource
Denique sit quod uis, simplex dumtaxat et unum. Maxima pars uatum, pater et iuuenes patre digni, decipimur specie recti. Breuis esse laboro, obscurus fio; sectantem leuia nerui deficiunt animique; professus grandia turget; serpit humi tutus nimium timidusque procellae; qui uariare cupit rem prodigialiter unam,
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Come imparare il latino: ‘unum facere et aliud non omittere’ (pars ...
Se chiedessimo agli studenti e ai docenti che cosa sia il latino, sentiremmo una miriade d’aggettivi accostati al sostantivo: vivo o, quasi sempre, morto, utile o, per lo più, inutile, bello e brutto, antico, interessante, noioso, faticoso, per non parlare di cattolico, classista e fascista.
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UNUM VERUM BONUM: International Colloquium on Medieval ... - thomistica
2012年8月2日 · In the 13th century, Philip the Chancellor endeavored to gather and systematize the roll of transcendentals – unum, verum, bonum – as co-extensive properties to being; that would determine all the subsequent medieval philosophical thought.
Imperium Romanum Orientale - Vicipaedia
Imperio Romano anno 395 in partes duas diviso, Imperium Romanum Orientale (Graece: Βασιλεία Ῥωμαίων) sive publice simpliciter ut Imperium Romanum vel etiam ab historicis recentioribus Imperium Byzantinum nuncupatum [1] principio fuit pars orientalis eius.