Trace Doping of Pb(OH)2 Species on PdPb Alloys Boost Highly …
2022年9月28日 · Herein, we first present porous PdPb alloys with the incorporation of amorphous Pb (OH) 2 species as highly active and stable electrocatalysts. Alloying Pd with Pb species is initially proposed to optimize the Pd–Pd interatomic distance and adjust the d-band center of Pd.
Surface chemistry of Pb-activated sphalerite - ScienceDirect
2020年1月1日 · ToF-SIMS detected three Pb secondary ion fragments on Pb-activated surface layer. XPS revealed formation of PbS and PbSO 4 at pH 4, and PbS, PbO with Pb (OH) 2 at pH 9. Results showed that Pb activation sphalerite involves a mixed activation mechanism.
Hydroxyapatite and lead-substituted hydroxyapatite near …
2022年1月1日 · In this work, we theoretically reconstructed the XPS spectra of stoichiometric HA and lead-substituted hydroxyapatite (PbCaHA, Ca 10-x Pb x (PO 4) 6 (OH) 2; x = 2, 10) using a first-principles linear combination of atomic orbitals embedded cluster approach and periodic supercell band structures within the framework of Density Functional Theory ...
铅 | Thermo Fisher Scientific - CN
对暴露于空气后的铅金属进行 O1s 区域分析,结果表明铅的天然氧化物中氢氧化铅的浓度较高。 PbO2 可能会因为与空气中的 CO2 发生反应而在表面形成少量 PbCO3。 这种蓝白色金属质地柔软,具有延展性。 铅的导电性差,耐腐蚀且密度大。 铅的化学符号 Pb 来源于拉丁文 "plumbum",原意为“液态银”。 长期接触铅会导致神经损伤、肾疾病、心血管疾病和生殖毒性。 虽然铅的有害影响早在公元前2000年就被确认,但有史以来却一直用铅来制作管道和弹药。 最近,铅被用于制 …
Hydroxylation of the surface of PbS nanocrystals passivated with oleic ...
2014年5月29日 · We show the existence of surface OH – groups, which play a key role in stabilizing the PbS (111) facets, consistent with x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy as well as other spectroscopic and chemical experiments. The role of water …
Surface chemistry of as-synthesized and air-oxidized PbS quantum …
2018年11月1日 · XPS Pb 4f spectra show that when exposed to air, the peaks from the core PbS and surface Pb (RCOO)2 and Pb (OH) 2 components, are accompanied by new peaks related to PbSO 3 and PbSO 4.
XPS spectra of Pb ion before (a) and after (b) hydrogen reduction
The XPS of Pb 4f spectrum exhibits spin orbit splitting peaks of Pb 4f 7/2 and Pb 4f 5/2 at 138.9 and 143.8 eV, respectively, and the lead ion keeps in the state of Pb 2+ . Two...
Electrochemical modulation of trap states in PbS QDs and their ...
2022年6月9日 · In this study, we have demonstrated the reduction of trap density of PbS QD films by applying cyclic voltammetry (CV) as the electrochemical treatment method. We identified the oxidation of Pb-atoms after the electrochemical treatment through XPS measurement.
The role of surface passivation for efficient and photostable …
2016年4月4日 · To identify the origin of the low efficiency, we performed surface X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) to probe the species on the surface of the QDs for both EDT- and TBAI-treated QD layers.
metal element to assess disposal safety as a member of uranium series. Because lead is also hazardous metal for organisms and its contaminant in soils are derived from industrial and mining drainage, adsorption of Pb(II) on minerals have been extensively studied by macroscopic and microscopic methods at acidic and neutral pH conditions.1–12 ...