The Essex PBE (Protective Breathing Equipment) is a portable, self-contained, personal smoke hood designed to safeguard flight attendants and cabin crewmembers from the effects of smoke, carbon dioxide, harmful gases and oxygen deficiency while managing in …
Protective Breathing Equipment (PBE) | Collins Aerospace
With our Protective Breathing Equipment (PBE), your wearer can breathe freshly generated oxygen while benefiting from an added layer of protection for the head and upper torso. Crews can don the PBE in less than 15 seconds for protection that …
Pilot oxygen systems | Safran
The latest generation of EROS® masks, equipped with a single selector regulator and an integrated SmartMike™ noise-canceling microphone, is available in various versions (oro-nasal, full-face, full-face convertible mask with bayonets) to meet the various needs of pilots.
Protective Breathing Equipment (PBE) - SKYbrary Aviation Safety
Protective Breathing Equipment (PBE) is a piece of emergency equipment required in transport aircraft for flight crew use during firefighting. This article discusses portable PBEs, as distinct from fixed equipment such as the quick-don oxygen masks in flight decks.
Aviation Oxygen, Aerox Aviation Oxygen, Cylinders, Masks, …
AEROX: Portables, Built-Ins, Masks, Cannulas, Transfill Equipment, Emergency Oxygen, Custom Oxygen Systems and more. Contact Phoebe, “The Oxygen Lady®” Customer Support
Pilot oxygen mask - EROS® - Safran Aerosystems - AeroExpo
The latest generation of EROS® masks, equipped with a single selector regulator and an integrated SmartMike™ noise-canceling microphone, is available in various versions (oro-nasal, full-face, full-face convertible mask with bayonets) to meet the various needs of pilots.
Crew Masks and Protective Breathing Equipment - CASP Aerospace
CASP proudly distributes the OXYCREW Series of protective breathing equipment (PBE) for flight attendants and other crew members, manufactured by Collins Aerospace, Safran Aerosystems and VisionSafe. In the event of in-flight fire or smoke, these portable breathing hoods protect the head and chest from heat and environmental contaminants.
Aircraft safety equipment and reference training equipment for aviation
Flying or training, we supply a comprehensive range of aircraft cabin emergency equipment and equivalent reference training devices for air crew training.
The PBE dons in only 15 seconds, with a unique design that eliminates the need for an oral/nasal mask. The amber-tinted hood provides 270° of visibility and the elastic neck seal requires no adjustment. The PBE provides a minimum of 15 minutes of …
The Essex Crewmember PBE (Ref. Figure 1) is a self-contained, portable, personal breathing device designed to safeguard the wearer from the effects of smoke, carbon dioxide, harmful gases, and oxygen deficiency while managing in-flight fire, smoke