TGA curves for the pure PBT and PBT/silica nanocomposites.
In this study, an analysis was carried out of the mechanical, thermal, and morphological characteristics of Polybutylene Terephthalate (PBT) and Polyamide (PA6) matrix composites containing ...
Synthesis and characterization of poly (butylene terephthalate-co ...
2022年11月5日 · In this work, a series of poly (butylene terephthalate-co-glycolic acid) (PBTGA) copolyesters with high molecular weights and different glycolic acid content were synthesized via bulk melt polycondensation.
Structure of the condensed phase and char of fire-retarded PBT ...
2009年11月1日 · To assess the condensed phase during pyrolysis, this study presents thermal (by TGA in nitrogen) and condensed phase analyses of the residue (by FTIR–ATR) of PBT modified by a phosphinate FR and/or nanoparticles (sepiolite).
UV resistant PBT nanocomposites by reactive compatibilization and ...
2021年1月15日 · Titanium dioxide (TiO 2) in PBT matrix can shield for UV light, but it triggers further photo-degradation of PBT via a photocatalytic effect. In this work, both toughness and against prolonged UV radiation of PBT from recycled source are significantly improved by reactive compounding with ethylene-vinyl acetate-glycidyl methacrylate copolymer ...
采用热失重仪分别测定PET和PBT在不同扫描速率下的起始分解温度、最大分解温度、失重百分率随温度的变化。 扫描温度范围:PET为50~700 ℃,PBT为50~600 ℃;扫描速率为5、10、20、40 ℃/min;气体流量为20 mL/min。
聚对苯二甲酸丁二醇酯的热重分析 - ecust.edu.cn
用热重分析法(tga)探讨聚对苯二甲酸丁二醇酯(pbt)热降解的动力学,揭示了pbt的热稳定性、热解反应级数和热解活化能。 以高纯度氮气为载气,在不同载气流量、不同升温速率下对PBT进行降解,通过失重曲线和微商曲线分析其结构的稳定性,建立反应动力学 ...
Reaction kinetics of polybutylene terephthalate polycondensation ...
2005年1月18日 · The kinetics of the forward polycondensation reaction of polybutylene terephthalate (PBT) has been investigated using thermogravimetric analysis (TGA). PBT - prepolymer with an initial degree of polymerization of 5.5 was used as starting material.
TGA under synthetic air. Mass of: (a) PBT HB, PBT V-2, PBT V-1, PBT ...
TGA curves for thermo-oxidative decomposition of all materials under synthetic air are presented in Figure 2, and the analysed results are summarised in Table 2. PBT HB decomposed in a two-step...
pbt的热失重标准曲线 - 百度文库
PBT的热失重标准曲线是指在进行TGA测试时,观察PBT材料的质量变化随温度的变化而得到的曲线。 该曲线通常显示材料的质量百分比随温度的变化。 1. 起始重量损失:在较低温度下,PBT材料可能会发生一些物理或化学变化,导致初始质量损失。 这可能是由于挥发性成分的蒸发或溶解等原因引起的。 2. 主要失重阶段:随着温度的升高,PBT材料会发生主要的质量损失。 这是由于聚合物链的裂解、分解或氧化等反应引起的。 失重速率取决于材料的化学结构和热稳定性。 3. …
TGA (a), (b) and DTG (c), (d) graphs of polyesters and PBT/PET …
A tremendous effect of fusion temperature on the crystallization kinetics of poly(butylene terephthalate) (PBT) was discovered. The crystallization peak shifted 22°C towards lower temperatures ...