arduino - Proper usage of PC817 Optocoupler - Electrical …
2020年1月4日 · This 3.7 VDC is fed to the input of optocoupler PC817 pin 1 and 2. On the output, I wanted to read the high and low through an Arduino connected to pin 3 and 4 of the …
Operation of PC817 - Electrical Engineering Stack Exchange
Perhaps your friend is comparing the photo transistor-output PC817 to the type of opto coupler that has an logic output type IC or a photodiode driving a transistor on the output. For example …
PC817 input features - Electrical Engineering Stack Exchange
The PC817 has a reverse voltage rating (V R) of 6 V, so it would blow up. You could instead use the PC814, which has similar characteristics, but an AC input with two antiparallel LEDs: …
How to find a fast optocoupler (or how to read the datasheet)
2022年5月20日 · PC817 is more suited for isolating PLC inputs and that sort of hundreds of microseconds to millisecond response isolation. For 400kHz, forget about using the PC817. …
ESP32 opto-isolated relay board not working - PC817 opto …
2022年10月2日 · Each PC817 opto-isolator is controlled by a GPIO of ESP32. The ESP32 is powered at 3.3 V while the relay circuit is powered at 5 V. The board is powered by an …
How to get 3.3 output voltage in PC817 opto coupler?
2015年7月17日 · I am using PC817 opto coupler. I want a 3.3 output voltage. In its 1st pin I am giving 12volt and 2nd pin is gnd. I have connected a pull down resistor on 3rd pin. But i am …
How should trigger the 5V relay with an ESP8266? Using PC817 or ...
2020年1月29日 · In schematic 1, the relay is triggered using PC817 optocoupler. In schematic 2, the relay is triggered using MMBT3906 NPN transistor directly. Schematic 2 Which is best …
Isolated digital input to microcontroller using optocoupler
2022年10月12日 · With these parameters, you can estimate the R2 value in the network SENSOR_OUT, R2, PC817 pin1 of your drawing. Take the typical forward voltage of 1.2V and …
opto isolator - Electrical Engineering Stack Exchange
2021年4月27日 · This is the optocoupler(PC817) I used and this figure is Current Transfer Ratio vs. Forward Current. There are my questions: 1.) How to decide the CTR value, because the …
PWM with PIC817 driving MOSFET seems to be too slow (LED …
2024年6月10日 · I want to drive a MOSFET (IRFZ44N) with an optocoupler (PC817) to control the brightness of an 50 W 12 V LED. The PWM is generated by an ESP8266, 1 kHz. Following …