Large Mode Area photonic crystal fibers - NKT Photonics
Our Large Mode Area photonic crystal fibers are designed for diffraction-limited high-power delivery. The large mode area prevents nonlinear effects and material damage. With standard …
Hollow core photonic crystal fibers - NKT Photonics
Hollow-core photonic bandgap fibers turn conventional fiber technology inside out by guiding the light in a hollow-core. This unique waveguide is ideal for sensing, imaging, and ultrashort pulse …
Nonlinear photonic crystal fibers - NKT Photonics
We offer single-mode supercontinuum fibers optimized for the several common pumping laser wavelengths. We also offer some of our PCF fibers as modules with hermetically sealed ends …
Photonic Crystal Fiber (PCF) - Thorlabs
Thorlabs offers a selection of photonic crystal fibers (PCF), provided by NKT Photonics, to provide high confinement of transmitted light. These options include air guided, polarization …
光子晶体光纤 | 滨松集团 - Hamamatsu
光子晶体光纤 (PCF) 是 NKT Photonics 的核心技术,为其白光激光器、大功率放大器和超快光纤激光器奠定了基础。 这种独特的光纤技术可以放大超短脉冲激光。
Photonic crystal fibers | Hamamatsu Photonics
Photonic Crystal Fiber (PCF) is the core technology of NKT Photonics, forming the foundation for their white light lasers, high-power amplifiers, and ultrafast fiber lasers. This unique optical …
Endlessly Single Mode, Large-Mode-Area-Fiber - Thorlabs
2025年2月10日 · Thorlabs offers a selection of Endlessly Single Mode (ESM), Large-Mode-Area (LMA) Photonic Crystal Fibers (PCFs), including Polarization-Maintaining (PM) versions.
NKT Photonics LMA-25 单模大模场光子晶体光纤 - 仪器信息网
北京超维景生物科技有限公司为您提供NKT Photonics LMA-25 单模大模场光子晶体光纤的报价、规格、型号等供应信息,厂家客服电话:400-616-7676转2874,售前、售后均可联系。
Choose a SM fiber pigtailed laser with an appropriate wavelength and couple light into fiber A. Fiber A could typically be a non-PCF fiber, such as SMF-28 or HI1060. Strip and cleave the …
Photonic crystal pioneer - Nature Photonics
At the heart of NKT's supercontinuum sources is its highly nonlinear PCF. The company now supplies customers with supercontinuum solutions at every level of the value chain — from …