PCI Security Standards Council Updates Hardware Security Module ...
2021年12月17日 · PCI PTS HSM Security Requirements v4.0 includes the addition of a new evaluation module and approval class for evaluating cloud-based HSMs that are used as part of an HSM-as-a-service offering. These updates support the use of remote management methods and multi-tenant cloud-based devices, and reflect direct feedback received from the payment ...
PCI HSM Compliance Certification - Thales Group
PCI HSM compliance certification is increasingly becoming a fundamental requirement for various payment processes, including PIN processing, card verification, card production, ATM interchange, cash-card reloading and key generation. The payShield 10K HSM has feature-rich software certified to the PCI HSM standard.
These technical FAQs provide answers to questions regarding the application of PCI’s (Payment Card Industry) physical and logical HSM device security requirements as addressed in the PCI PTS Hardware Security Module Security Requirements manual. These FAQs provide additional and timely clarifications to the application of the Security Requirements.
HSMs for PCI DSS Compliance
2020年5月7日 · What are the PCI DSS and HSM Requirements? PCI DSS requirement 3.6.2, including secure cryptographic key storage, allows systems to be deployed to protect encryption keys used to encrypt cardholder-related data. Storing keys in unsafe locations can make a company vulnerable to cyberattacks.
What is PCI HSM? | Thales - Thales Group
What is PCI HSM? The PCI HSM specification defines a set of logical and physical security compliance standards for HSMs specifically for the payments industry. Compliance certification depends on meeting those standards.
Industry (PCI). The PCI has defined these requirements using a risk-reduction methodology that identifies the associated benefit when measured against acceptable costs to design and manufacture HSM devices. Thus, the requirements are not intended to eliminate the possibility of fraud, but to reduce its likelihood and limit its consequences.
PCI HSM 合规性认证 - 合规性满足_揽阁信息科技(上海)有限公司
PCI HSM 规范专门针对支付行业定义了一套 HSM 的逻辑和物理安全合规标准。 合规认证取决于是否符合这些标准。 泰雷兹的 payShield10k HSM 是首批通过 PCI HSM 标准验证的 HSM 之一,该标准包括支付流程的基本要求,其中包括: PIN 处理; 卡验证; 密钥生成。 合规性要求. 认证目标. HSM 在保护支付交易安全方面发挥着至关重要的作用,因此,确保 HSM 本身在整个生命周期(从制造、运输到运行和退役)的安全至关重要。 PCI HSM 合规认证标准为 HSM 供应 …
PCI认证HSM的应用场景 - 百家号
pci认证hsm是专门用于支付行业的硬件安全模块,它满足支付卡行业(pci)的一系列严格的安全和合规性标准。 这些标准旨在保护持卡人数据的安全性,防止信用卡诈骗和其他安全威胁。
What is PCI HSM? - Utimaco
PCI HSM (PCI Hardware Security Module) is a set of logical and physical security requirement standards for securing Hardware Security Modules (HSMs), specifically within the payment industry. Compliance with PCI standards is enforced by the payment card brands: Visa, MasterCard, American Express, JCB International, and Discover.
了解 HSM 在实现 PCI DSS 合规性方面的重要性_揽阁信息科技(上 …
2025年1月4日 · 除了 PCI DSS 合规性之外,我们还将重点介绍在 PCI DSS 中使用 HSM。 我们将介绍 HSM 在维护这些标准和保护持卡人私人信息方面的作用、其优势以及如何实施符合 PCI DSS 要求的 HSM。 请继续阅读,了解保护关键卡信息背后的流程,以及组织如何通过遵循最佳实践和保持 PCI DSS 合规性而受益。 PCI DSS 是一套全球公认的监管政策和程序,旨在保护信用卡、借记卡或其他卡交易,防止持卡人信息被滥用,遭受任何未经授权的泄露和攻击。 任何涉及卡 …