The PCM56 is packaged in a high-quality 16-pin molded plastic DIP package or SOIC and has passed operating life tests under simultaneous high-pressure, high-temperature, and high-humidity conditions. The PCM56 is a state-of-the-art, fully monotonic, digital-to-analog converter that is designed and specified for digital audio applications.
HIFIDIY论坛-良好的音源是美妙音乐的开始 DAC大总结 - Powered …
2023年8月14日 · 下面以pcm56p为中心做评测总结,因为此枚芯片当年是16位dac的标准制定者。 可能有些朋友对于16位不削一顾,但是真实演绎CD最理想的芯片仍然非16位不可。
PCM56 DAC Build - diyAudio
2021年8月28日 · No kidding, this DAC sounds phenomenal, even with the less-than-ideal noise and grounding conditions being built on a piece of wood! Very pleased on first listen. The noise floor is only audible at dangerous volumes on a headphone amplifier without music playing.
JO4EFC/1 の備忘ブログ: PCM56P DACの製作 - Blogger
PCM56Pはバーブラウン製の16bit DACで、初期のCDプレーヤーに使われていた古いICです。 オーバーサンプリング無し(NOS)で自作される方も多いようですが、今回は8倍オーバーサンプリングを試してみることにします。
HIFIDIY论坛-无聊焊了一个PCM56DAC,没想到听女声歌曲真的很 …
2020年6月27日 · 最近网上花7毛钱一只买了两片pcm56p,抱着好奇能不能响的的想法焊了一个洞洞板dac,没想到听女声歌曲真的很甜美,磁性强,不管你们信不信,我听着真的很舒服,跟pcm58风格不同,各有千秋。
良好的音源是美妙音乐的开始 DAC大总结 - 〓发烧音响专区〓 - 矿 …
2023年8月14日 · 下面以pcm56p为中心做评测总结,因为此枚芯片当年是16位dac的标准制定者。 可能有些朋友对于16位不削一顾,但是真实演绎CD最理想的芯片仍然非16位不可。
PCM56: Audio quality of TI BB PCM56P DAC grades
Hi, What are the quality grade models of TI BB PCM56P audio DAC? The grades of none, J, K L, etc? What are the differences in quality among the grades? What grade of PCM56P has the best quality internal trimming (the best sound quality)?
Re: Burr-Brown PCM-56P, a better sub for DAC - diyAudio
2014年12月20日 · There are several dacs made by Zhaolu (Chinese) that are quite good and only a few hundred dollars if you wanted to try something external to the 222. I owned a D-2.5A, and there is a thread about extensive mods I did to this dac, ultimately I sold it to a friend when I was done playing with it. It's quite decent.
[参考译文] PCM56:TI BB PCM56P DAC 级的音频质量
PCM56在出厂时进行了修整、以实现最佳性能、但由于每个器件的差异、某些器件在最坏情况下的最低性能有所不同。 器件经过修整后、根据其最终性能、将其分为不同的组。 性能最高的是 PCM56P-K、PCM56P-J 和 PCM56U/PCM56P、最后最低的是 PCM56P-L 您可以在产品数据表中看到等级差异、主要是 THD+N、如规格表中所示。 就哪一个听起来是最好的-这是相当客观的。 可以说、具有最低 THD+N 规格的器件具有最佳性能 (-K)。 尽管需要注意的是、只有 …
2021年8月22日 · I got 2 pairs of the original, Japan made PCM56P-J. I will replacing all my non grade PCM56 DAC with this one. Previously, all my DAC built are using IC socket for easy future upgrade, such as replacing the DAC IC like this.
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