Poison Centres Notification format - Poison Centres - Europa
The Poison Centre Notification (PCN) format structures information on mixtures classified for health or physical hazards in accordance with Article 45 and Annex VIII to the CLP Regulation. The format is XML-based, compatible with IUCLID, and available in the PCN dossier preparation tools offered by ECHA.
Prepare & submit poison centre notifications (PCN)
The poison centre notification (PCN) format is a subset of the IUCLID format and is used to prepare information on mixtures classified for health or physical hazards in accordance with Article 45 and Annex VIII to the CLP Regulation.
PCN: a practical guide - version 6.0 7 1. Introduction This manual gives practical guidance to support industry with their poison centre notification (PCN) obligations according to Article 45 and Annex VIII to the CLP Regulation1. In particular how information can be prepared and submitted to the Member States Appointed Bodies, for
PCN: a practical guide - ECHA
PCN: a practical guide - ECHA
ECHA has established a harmonised PCN format for submitting the required information to poison centres. The format is available online. The ECHA Submission portal, available on ECHA’s Poison Centres website, is an online tool to prepare and submit information according to …
Useful information for PCN (Poison Centre Notification) submission
The unified, harmonized notification of mixtures with a unique formula identifier (UFI) specified in Commission Regulation (EU) no. 2017/542 (PCN submission) provides an opportunity in all EEC Member States to rapidly report information regarding the mixture during an emergency health response situation. Latest news. Obliged to PCN submission.
All news - ECHA
2018年4月30日 · ECHA has released the Poison Centres Notification (PCN) format for submitting information on hazardous mixtures to the Member State appointed bodies. Helsinki, 30 April 2018 - The PCN format structures the information submitted to the Member State appointed bodies.
The PCN format defines the data requirements and structure for the submission of information to the Member States appointed bodies. The format has been structured and organised based on the information and data requirements laid out in Annex VIII …
New EU PCN format
2021年11月10日 · The Poison Centre Notification (PCN) format aims to structure the information on hazardous mixtures classified for health or physical hazards available to poison centres in cases of poisoning incidents in the EU.
12 out of 27 countries have in place a system for products subject to Art. 45 of the CLP Regulation. However, only 6 countries have a PCS that is used by industry for submission of information. Reporting issues and incoherence between the existing national PCS and categories required for preparation of specific reports or analysis.