RCSB PDB - 3DBA: Crystal structure of the cGMP-bound GAF a …
2008年5月30日 · The photoreceptor phosphodiesterase (PDE6) regulates the intracellular levels of the second messenger cGMP in the outer segments of cone and rod photoreceptor cells. PDE6 contains two regulatory GAF domains, of which one (GAF A) binds cGMP and regulates the activity of the PDE6 holoenzyme.
RCSB PDB - 3JBQ: Domain Organization and Conformational Plasticity …
2015年9月17日 · The cGMP phosphodiesterase of rod photoreceptor cells, PDE6, is the key effector enzyme in phototransduction. Two large catalytic subunits, PDE6α and -β, each contain one catalytic domain and two non-catalytic GAF domains, whereas two small inhibitory PDE6γ subunits allow tight regulation by the G protein transducin.
RCSB PDB - 6PX0: Crystal structure of the TPR domain of human …
2019年7月24日 · Phosphodiesterase-6 (PDE6) is key to both phototransduction and health of rods and cones. Proper folding of PDE6 relies on the chaperone activity of aryl hydrocarbon receptor-interacting protein-like 1 (AIPL1), and mutations in both PDE6 and AIPL1 can cause a severe form of blindness.
Photoreceptor phosphodiesterase (PDE6): structure, regulatory ...
The photoreceptor phosphodiesterase (PDE6) is a member of large family of Class I phosphodiesterases responsible for hydrolyzing the second messengers cAMP and cGMP. PDE6 consists of two catalytic subunits and two inhibitory subunits that form a ...
The molecular architecture of photoreceptor phosphodiesterase 6 (PDE6 …
Photoreceptor phosphodiesterase 6 (PDE6) is the central effector of the visual excitation pathway in both rod and cone photoreceptors, and PDE6 mutations that alter PDE6 structure or regulation can result in several human retinal diseases.
Domain Organization and Conformational Plasticity of the G …
2015年5月5日 · The cGMP-specific PDE6 isozymes of vertebrate rod and cone photoreceptors are unique in containing two tightly bound inhibitory γ subunits (3, 4). PDE6 is a heterotetramer containing two γ subunits as well as the homologous α and β subunits in rods (PDE6αβγγ) or the related α′ subunits in cones (PDE6α′α′γγ).
Characteristics of Photoreceptor PDE (PDE6): similarities and
2004年6月6日 · PDE6 is the primary regulator of cytoplasmic cGMP concentration in rod and cone photoreceptors (Figure 1). In the dark, PDE6 exists in an inactive form, and cGMP levels in the rod outer segment...
Cryo-EM structure of phosphodiesterase 6 reveals insights
Rod photoreceptor PDE6 is an atypical phosphohydrolase that consists of a heterodimeric catalytic core composed of PDE6α and PDE6β subunits (PDE6αβ heterodimer) and two inhibitory PDE6γ subunits (11).
2016年8月30日 · To investigate the molecular mechanism of cargo solubilization we analyzed the PrBP/δ-induced membrane dissociation of rod photoreceptor phosphodiesterase (PDE6). The results suggest that PrBP/δ exclusively interacts with the soluble fraction of PDE6.
Allosteric regulation of rod photoreceptor phosphodiesterase 6 (PDE6 …
2019年9月9日 · Photoreceptor phosphodiesterase (PDE6) is the central effector enzyme in the visual excitation pathway in rod and cone photoreceptors. Its tight regulation is essential for the speed, sensitivity, recovery and adaptation of visual signaling.