300 SO7 Characters You’ll Relate To (Must-See List)
This is the complete list of famous SO7 fictional characters from movies, TV shows, books, and cartoons. Learn SO7's power and potential from these characters. 👉
Social 7 In Detail | Wiki - Personality Database
SO7: Sacrifice -> Enthusiasm. In this subtype, although it is commonly called Sacrifice, we find that sacrifice does not correlate to a motivation, which we believe the instincts should describe.
RCSB PDB: Homepage
RCSB Protein Data Bank (RCSB PDB) enables breakthroughs in science and education by providing access and tools for exploration, visualization, and analysis of: These data can be explored in context of external annotations providing a structural view of biology. 3D visualization for PDB structures and ligand binding sites.
300 so/sx Characters You’ll Relate To (Must-See List)
“ Let's revise the trait structure of so2, so7 and so9 and see what applies to Emma (you can read the full trait description that I'm using in the wiki, it's just too much text to copy and paste). Han (Stray Kids)
SO7 Ligand Summary Page - RCSB PDB
2020年3月11日 · The RCSB PDB also provides a variety of tools and resources. Users can perform simple and advanced searches based on annotations relating to sequence, structure and function. These molecules are visualized, downloaded, and analyzed by users who range from students to specialized scientists.
Impossible Type Combin... | Wiki - Personality Database
How many interpret it is that every combination of a types from each system (example being, INFP Enneagram 4, ESTP Enneagram 8, INTJ So7 etc.) is possible because of the nature of the two. Many however, believe that many combinations are impossible to happen.
Enneagram Type 7 Instinctual Subtypes: SP 7, SX 7, SO 7
SO 7 - Sacrifice (counter-type): postpones or defers desires and gratification in favor of pursuing an ideal; moved by duty and recognition toward service of humanity; seeks recognition and applause for being good according to social consensus.
同样是对应九型的第7型,八维中Se和Ne与7型对应关系的区别有哪 …
2023年3月23日 · Se和Ne都有可能是So7,与感知功能关系不大,与判断功能关系更密切。 当然,这种对应性应当是松散的而非绝对的,pdb现在某些用户给所有ENP只能投sx7,ESP只能投sp7的风气,是绝对错误的,过于刻板了。
同MBTI异九型的Socionics对应 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
九型主型按与MBTI的匹配程度从高到低顺序排列;黑体字为最典型搭配。 九型副型主要依据为 纳兰霍版 描述,部分参考Riso-Hudson版;Socionics主要取 Model A 的功能定义、类型描述和理论框架,部分参考其他版本。 4w5: IEI>EII. 9w1: EII,SEI>IEI. 6w5: EII>IEI, ILI. 4w3: EIE, IEI>IEE. 6w7: SEI, IEE>EII>IEI. 9w8: SEI>EII>SLI. 5w4: ILI, IEI. E4. so4: IEI, IEE. sx4: EIE, IEI. sp4: EII, ILI, IEI. E9. sp9: SEI, EII. sx9: EII. so9: EII, IEE. E6.
PDBeChem: Ligand Dictionary (PDB Ligand Chemistry - EMBL-EBI
Dictionary of chemical components (ligands, small molecules and monomers) referred in PDB entries and maintained by the wwPDB
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