PDE Modular Composite Springs | Fabtech Systems
Posterior Dynamic Element is a modular composite spring system technology that takes the guesswork out of building dynamic thermoplastic and carbon braces. Contact us!
PDE Neuromuscular Modular Springs | Fabtech Systems
The PDE™ Neuromuscular Adult is a modular engineered carbon spring system designed for composite and thermoplastic AFO brace designs. This align-able system allows for tuning of functional energy performance as the patient grows and changes.
PDE Orthopedic Springs | Fabtech Systems
PDE™ (Posterior Dynamic Element) Orthopedic is a modular engineered carbon spring system for composite AFO brace designs. This simple, align-able system provides the ability to tune functional energy performance to changing patient conditions.
PDE ™ Nueromuscular Modular Composite Spring System - OrtoPed
The Posterior Dynamic Element modular composite spring system is now available for Thermoplastic bracing. This system is specifically designed for O&P devices, the PDE spring system is designed to be a simple “plug and play” spring kit to address dynamic response bracing, unloading bracing, prosthetic partial foot devices and much more.
PDE™ Modular Neuromuscular spring system | Orthopartners B.V.
Now available in 200 & 250mm length! Designed as modular, adjustable and easy to use. PDE/TP. Any patient who would benefit from a custom posterior leaf spring AFO where pain and offloading of weight are not a key factor. benefit from Dorsiflexion & Plantarflexion assistance. Available in 5 categories of stiffness and common 250mm length.
PDE Orthosis — NeuroMuscular Orthotics Australia
The Posterior Dynamic Element (PDE) allows the client to benefit from advanced orthotic function. The PDE is modular meaning it can change as you do. Your Orthotist can adjust the alignment and stiffness of your PDE to improve your experience.
AFO Sales & Fitting | Orthotics Plus Melbourne
PDE stands for Posterior Dynamic Element. This component is essentially a section of an AFO that can be interchanged and customised depending on the patient’s activity levels, weight and what they want to achieve. A PDE is a strut that allows for controlled ankle movement and provides a great amount of energy return on walking, like a spring.
PDE Individual Springs
PDE (Posterior Dynamic Element) Orthopedic is a modular engineered carbon spring system for composite AFO brace designs. This simple, align-able system provides the ability to tune functional energy performance to changing patient conditions.
Posterior Dynamic Element (PDE) Carbon FIbre AFO
Dynamic carbon fibre AFO with integrated dynamic carbon strut. Fixed ankle position, with carbon fibre strut that flexes under load to provide energy return. Designed for high-impact activities, such as running and hiking. Provides a high level of mediolateral ankle support and controls dorsiflexion weakness during swing phase.
2020年8月1日 · The PDE AFO is a custom-fabricated, dynamic response, carbon fiber AFO that stabilizes the ankle while reducing forefoot abduction/adduction. It provides proximal PTB unloading, similar to a BK prosthesis. The PDE AFO has an interchangeable dynamic posterior strut and a rigid rocker bottom footplate design to minimize midfoot stress.