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PDH : Probabilistic deep hashing for faster image retrieval
PDH can convert images into a compact hash code and perform fast and memory-saving searching for large-scale images. Furthermore, by applying PDH to biometric information such as vein patterns and faces, a hands-free authentication platform that identifies individuals from a large-scale biometric database can be established.
Digital Image Steganography Using Eight ... - Wiley Online Library
2018年9月26日 · A graph is plotted, with the pixel difference value on X-axis and frequency on Y-axis. The curve obtained is called the PDH. The PDH of original image will be a smooth curve. If the PDH of stego image is also a smooth curve then steganography is not detected. If the PDH of stego image shows step effects, then steganography is identified.
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Pixel Difference Histogram (PDH) for input images and marked images …
Download scientific diagram | Pixel Difference Histogram (PDH) for input images and marked images (part I) from publication: Reversible data hiding techniques with high message embedding...
PDH analysis examples, a for Lena image, and b for Baboon image…
One directional Pixel Difference Histogram (PDH) analysis for identification of pixels in image is studied in [15]. As a real-world case study, the GOA-DE algorithm solves visual tracking issues....
PDH: a human-centric interface for image libraries - IEEE Xplore
We present visualization and layout algorithms that can enhance informal story-telling using personal digital data such as photos in a face-to-face social setting.
In this paper, we present visualization and layout algorithms that can enhance informal storytelling using personal digital data such as photos, audio and video in a face-to-face social setting.
PDH(准同步数字体系)和SDH(同步数字体系)的区别详解_pdh …
2025年2月24日 · PDH(Plesiochronous Digital Hierarchy),即准同步数字体系。 作为第一代 光通信 的标准,规定了一系列的速率等级和等级间的复用方法。 PDH的各速率等级称为一次群、二次群…五次群,将 数字信号 以固定的速率进行传输。 简单来说,就是PDH规定了一系列大小不同的 容器 (次群)来容纳不同数量的信号,可以满足不同业务需求。 可以把次群当做是粗细不同的水管,细的水管(低次群)流速(传输速率)较慢,粗的水管(高次群)流速(传输速率)较 …
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