Protected designation of origin - Wikipedia
The protected designation of origin (PDO) is a type of geographical indication of the European Union aimed at preserving the designations of origin of food-related products. The designation was created in 1992 and its main purpose is to designate products that have been produced, processed and developed in a specific geographical area, using ...
Geographical indications food and drink - European Commission
Geographical indications include protected geographical indications (PGI) and protected designations of origins (PDO). These schemes protect the name of a product that comes from a specific region and follows a particular traditional production process.
Geographical indications and quality schemes explained
PDO – protected designation of origin (food and wine) PGI – protected geographical indication (food and wine) GI – geographical indication (spirit drinks). The EU geographical indications system protects the names of products that originate from specific regions and have specific qualities or enjoy a reputation linked to the production ...
PDO and PGI products represent the excellence of European agricultural ...
The label PDO (Protected Designation of Origin) identifies a product that originates in a specific place, region or country, the quality or characteristics of which are essentially or exclusively due to a particular geographical environment with its inherent natural factors (raw materials, environmental characteristics, location) and human ...
PDO、DOP、AOC?PGI?TSG?歐盟地理標示法到底代表什麼意 …
2016年10月14日 · 此外,原產地名稱保護制度 pdo、地理標示保護制度 pgi、傳統特產保護制度 tsg 在其他歐洲列國都有不同的縮寫,並有其認證上的細微差異。 例如原產地名稱保護制度在丹麥和荷蘭稱為 BOB、德國稱為 g.U.等,若要查詢詳細資訊, Italian Finest Food 網站有清楚的列表 ...
Wines and wine sector products — protected designations of …
Protected designation of origin (PDO) identifies the name of a region, a specific place or, in exceptional cases, a country, used to describe a product whose quality and characteristics are essentially due to a particular geographical environment and which must be produced within a determined geographical area using recognised and recorded know ...
Protected Designation of Origin - an overview - ScienceDirect
2007年10月19日 · Protected designation of origin (PDO) identifies products that are produced, processed and prepared in a specific geographical area, using the recognized know-how of local producers and ingredients from the region concerned. These are products whose characteristics are linked to their geographical origin.
Protected Designation of Origin (PDO), Protected Geographical ...
2018年1月1日 · As part of its food quality policy, the European Union (EU) promotes three types of quality labels for agricultural products and foodstuffs: Protected Designation of Origin (PDO), Protected Geographical Indication (PGI) and Traditional Speciality Guaranteed (TSG) (European Commission, 2013).
The PDO label guarantees that a product (or the ingredients used to make it) originates from a specific region and that the link between the product and the region is unique and very strong. To be registered as a PDO, a product must, firstly, originate in a specific
What is a Protected Designation of Origin? - Delighted Cooking
2024年5月16日 · What is a Protected Designation of Origin? A Protected Designation of Origin (PDO) is part of the Protected Geographical Status system in the European Union (EU). This framework is designed to protect the integrity of European food and drink by carefully legislating the labeling of certain European products.