PDO School
PDO School ... Mosbet
I am happy to share with you an update on the changes that we have been making at PDO School. We have been working on creating the ‘Best-in Class’ International School. Next school year PDO school will become a 100% international primary school that follows the English
The Mission of PDO School is to foster a passion for learning by providing all the children in our care with a nurturing yet challenging environment, in which they strive to reach their full potential.
Entry Points
The development of international mindedness is a complex process, which moves from the development of self in very young children to the sense of other as the children move through the school. Through taught and caught learning experiences at PDO School we aim to:
PDO School together with Shell schools and Shell-affiliated schools has a new consultancy contract with Fieldwork Education (World Class Learning Group). Our consultants, Mr. John Holmes (UK) and Mr. Robin Belles (NL), will support us in becoming a ‘Best in Class’ learning focused school at IPC Mastering Level.
At the PDO School we have at the moment 310 children from 33 different nationalities. The PDO staff wants to demonstrate a deep commitment to the development of international mindedness as one of the characteristics for its children and make it a consistent and central part of the school‟s regular reviews of learning and teaching.
we veel op school. Altijd heel gezellig om opa, oma, oom of tante de school en de klas te laten zien. Hierbij aansluitend een dringend verzoek van de busdames, mocht ... PDO School PO Box 81, Muscat 100 Sultanate of Oman Website: www.pdoschool.com Tel: (+968) 2467864 Fax: (+968) 2467864 .
Our much awaited school calendar event is finally here!! We look forward to welcoming you to school on Saturday to celebrate the cultural diversity that is so evident here at PDO School. We have over 15 different stalls for you to wander around, performances by children and parents, a bouncy castle on which to lose some excess energy and
Welcome to PDO School. We are proud to be a learning focused school. We discuss what children are learning, rather than what they are doing. Activities and tasks are designed to enhance children‟s learning and progress, and to help each individual child take his or her next developmental step.
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De ontwikkelingen op de PDO school passen in de trend van de afgelopen jaren, nl. dat we Nederlands dagonderwijs zien verdwijnen om plaats te maken voor Nederlandse Taal en Cultuur (NTC) afdelingen.