PDU-8 Eight-Channel Power Distribution Unit - AEM Electronics
The AEM EV PDU-8 is an eight channel Power Distribution Unit expansion device that gives you the power to program and control various switched devices using our ECU/VCUs, like high-voltage contactors, cooling fans, headlights, brake lights, turn signals, windshield wipers, fuel pumps, and more.
PDU(Power Distribution Unit),是将来自 UPS 的输出电流分配到各个IT设备的末端 配电设备 ,是连接供电等基础设施与 IT系统 、关联机房内所有设备正常运转的 关键设备 。作为机房用电安全的重要保障,PDU设备的稳定与安全直接关系到IT设备乃至整个机房的用电安全。
AEM EV 30-8300 PDU-8 Eight-Channel Power Distribution Unit
The AEM EV PDU-8 is an eight channel Power Distribution Unit expansion device that gives you the power to program and control various switched devices using our ECU/VCUs, like high-voltage contactors, cooling fans, headlights, brake lights, turn signals, windshield wipers, fuel pumps, and more.
The PDU-8 is a very high current, small, and lightweight module designed to be mounted near the devices requiring power. Its design philosophy is for multiple units to be part of a vehicle installation and to distribute the power throughout the vehicle rather than having it concentrated in a central area. The PDU-8 is not a stand-alone device.
AEM PDU-8 CAN Bus Eight-Channel Power Distribution Unit
The AEM EV PDU-8 is an affordable solution for controlling switched devices like cooling fans, headlights, brake lights, turn signals, windshield wipers, etc., on EV street-conversion and motorsports vehicles. Eight PDU-8s can be connected on …
AEM PDU-8 Eight-Channel Power Distribution Unit - Legacy EV
The AEM EV PDU-8 is an eight channel Power Distribution Unit expansion device that gives you the power to program and control various switched devices using our ECU/VCUs, like high-voltage contactors, cooling fans, headlights, brake lights, turn signals, windshield wipers, fuel pumps, and more.
Luxul PDU-08 Power Distribution Unit with US Power Cord - Legrand
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20A/16A 8插座1U测量&开关型智能PDU电源分配器 - PE8208, …
ATEN推出新一代电源分配器 (eco PDU)可有效率地提升数据中心内电源使用的效率, PE8208源分配器,其包含8个AC插座,提供多款配置IEC或NEMA插座的产品;这些电源分配器可安全、集中且聪明地管理数据中心内IT设备 (服务器、储存系统、KVM多电脑切换器、网络设备、串口数据装置…等)的电源,并可通过传感器*监控数据中心内的环境状况。 eco PDU电源分配器提供远程电源管理及实时电源量测功能 – 可让您从任何地方通过TCP/IP联机控制及监控插座层级的IT设备 …
8路PDU插排,机柜电源管理,EASTCATO 凯图电子
广州凯图电子科技有限公司是一家集研发、制造、销售、施工于一体的高科技公司。 成立于2001年,总部位于中国广州在北京、上海、成都、武汉、沈阳设有办事处。 产品和系统应用于智能家居、智能照明、智能酒店、电源管理、智能楼宇、智慧小区等领域的智能化。
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