在单晶Si和多晶Cu基底表面上使用等离子体增强化学气相沉积(PECVD)方法沉积了SiC薄膜. 通过高分辨透射电子显微镜(HRTEM)、X射线光电子能谱仪(XPS)及扫描电子显微镜(SEM)研究基底温度对SiC薄膜成分、结构及生长速度的影响规律。
The deposition of α-SiC layers in a Plasma Enhanced Chemical Vapor Deposition (PECVD) reactor is facilitated by the plasma generated between two electrodes (radio frequency-RF- or DC discharge) in the presence of reacting gases, the substrate being connected at one of
碳化硅(SIC)晶体生长方法之——化学气相沉积法的详解; - 知乎
dbd-pecvd是有绝缘介质插入放电空间的一种非平衡态气体放电(又称介质阻挡电晕放电或无声放电)。 这种放电方式兼有辉光放电的大空间均匀放电和电晕放电的高气压运行特点,正逐渐用于制备硅薄膜中。
PECVD Amorphous Silicon Carbide (α-SiC) Layers for MEMS Applications
2012年10月16日 · The PECVD α-SiC films present a low etching rate in XeF 2 gas (around 7 Å/min) which makes the α-SiC very suitable as a structural layer for any dry-release processes using α-Si or polysilicon as a sacrificial layer.
Low-stress PECVD SiC thin films for IC-compatible microstructures
1998年5月15日 · A low-temperature, IC-compatible, deposition process for SiC thin films with low mechanical stress and good passivating properties has been developed. SiC films with excellent etch resistance to various electrolytes have been deposited using a commercial-type PECVD reactor and patterned by dry etching in a fluorine-based chemistry.
Refractive index – why is it important in PECVD? Refractive index is a good indicator of film composition, i.e. Si:N ratio or Si:O ratio. It can be easily measured by ellipsometer or prism coupler, allowing rapid evaluation of film composition (and unifomrity of composition).
Deposition of SiC thin films by PECVD - ResearchGate
1999年6月1日 · Effects of annealing temperature (Ta) on the structure of hydrogenated amorphous silicon carbide (a-SiC:H) films are prepared by RF PECVD method. It is found that an annealing process results...
Progresses in Synthesis and Application of SiC Films: From CVD
2020年8月24日 · Doped and undoped SiC films can be synthesized by PECVD [85,86]. SiC-based thin films, such as silicon carbon nitride (SiCN), silicon oxycarbide (SiCO), silicon carbon oxynitride (SiCNO), silicon borocarbide (SiCB), silicon borocarbide nitride (SiCBN)s and silicon phosphorus carbide (SiCP), have been extensively investigated to use either as a ...
PECVD SiC薄膜材料制备及在MEMS中的应用研究-学位-万方数据 …
pecvd工艺可以在低温下淀积无定形碳化硅,因此在mems方面有很大的应用潜力。 为此,本论文针对PECVDSiC的制备及在MEMS中的应用进行了研究,包括PECVDSiC薄膜的淀积、应力控制、掺杂、欧姆接触以及腐/刻蚀等方面,涵盖了PECVDSiCMEMS工艺研究的主要方面。
PECVD SiC as a Chemical Resistant Material in MEMS
In this paper, PECVD SiC has been investigated as a chemical resistant material in MEMS systematically. SiC was utilized as a coating layer to protect micromachined polysilicon devices from erosive environment and as a wet-etch mask to pattern silicon and glass.
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