How is PETSCII used by assembly-language programs?
The OS routines will return characters in PETSCII encoding, so a program using them expects input in PETSCII. A program using the hardware directly (scanning the keyboard matrix) will get matrix positions (row/column) of the key pressed and translate that itself. It might translate to PETSCII, to "screen code", or to anything else.
Why was PETSCII based on an obsolete version of ASCII?
2022年6月15日 · Why, then, did Commodore base the lower seven bits of PETSCII on the obsolete 1963 version of the ASCII standard (USAS X3.4-1963) instead of the then-current 1967 revision (USAS X3.4-1967)? (The consequences of this are most obvious in PETSCII's use of the ← and ↑ characters in place of the then-standard _ and ^, as discussed in this question.)
Software to generate C64 BASIC code printing PETSCII art
2022年11月21日 · Once you have the binary representation of the PETSCII loaded in a scripting language, the conversion to BASIC code output ought to be the most trivial part of this. Perhaps made a little more complicated if you want your script to directly produce a C64 .PRG file instead of text, but that process is well-documented and can be done with ...
commodore 64 - C64/PETSCII block graphic symbol: was there …
2020年7月23日 · The "PETSCII" encoding is based on keyboard positions of the original PET chicklet keyboard (*1): (Taken from Wikipedia ) The keyboard is made similar to basic typewriter keyboards, but ordered in a square fashion, including a top row of symbols but not numbers and a separate numeric keyboard.
What was the purpose and history of the C64's special keys?
2017年6月7日 · Background: The Original PET Keyboard and PETSCII. Most of these keys have their roots in the original Commodore PET 2001 keyboard: The scanning and conversion was complex and seems to have varied somewhat by ROM version, but eventually a PETSCII code would be produced from a keypress. For the original keyboard, typing a key with a printable ...
How does the sequence $C3, $C2, $CD translate to "CBM"?
2024年4月1日 · The C64 used PETSCII, not ASCII, as its character set, and most Commodore 6502-based computers had a 'shift' between the normal layout, with uppercase letters at $41 through $5A and pseudographics at $61 through $7A and the 'shifted' layout (accessed by POKE 59468, 14; to return to the normal layout, POKE 59468,12) placed lowercase at $41 through $5A and replaced the graphics from $61 through ...
How do I save Commodore BASIC programs in ASCII?
2021年3月14日 · As an alternative to Brian H's answer, I should also point out the petcat tool which comes with the VICE emulator and supports converting between tokenized Commodore BASIC, PETSCII, and ASCII with PETSCII special characters replaced with mnemonics like {left}. petcat V2.21 PL 1 -- Basic list/crunch utility.
Different handling of ASCII interpretation between ca65 and cl65
However, when I assemble to an object file first with ca65 helloworld.s and then link the object file with cl65 -C c64-asm.cfg helloworld.o -o helloworld.prg, I get a program that outputs the respective PETSCII characters when viewed with the default charset or, in lower case mode, "HELLO WORLD".
commodore 64 - Why the disparity between the screencodes and …
2018年9月11日 · Further, the PETSCII encoding corresponded to what the keyboard delivered, and the ROM was organized accordingly. So while it made sense for the first PET, the C64 and other 8-bit Commodores only inherited it for compatibility.
commodore pet - Retrocomputing Stack Exchange
In a comment on Why does PETSCII have upper case and lower case reversed? So if you create a program that displays mixed-case text correctly on all Commodore 8-bit computers from the second version of the PET (3000 series) onward, it will display with upper- and lower-case reversed on the original PET 2001