Pilot Flying (PF) and Pilot Monitoring (PM) - SKYbrary Aviation …
Nowadays, some operators use the Monitored Approach concept in which the pilot who is PM during the descent and approach will become PF for the landing in order to improve the operational safety aspects of the transition from instrument flight to the visual reference required for touch down after almost all approaches.
飞行员在飞行中如何进行工作职责划分 - 知乎
通常飞机在飞行阶段,飞行员将工作职责划分为操纵飞机的飞行员(PF,Pilot Flying)和监控飞机的飞行员(PM,Pilot Monitoring)。 操纵飞行员 (PF)在飞行阶段主要负责以下工作: · 控制飞机的速度和轨迹. 作为PF要时时刻刻掌控着飞机的状态,PF要负责操纵飞机以合适的空速在计划的航线和高度上飞行。 换句话说PF就是手握方向盘的司机,飞机飞多快、飞多高、往哪飞都在他的掌控之下。 · 控制飞机的形态. 通常飞机起飞后要增加速度并收起落架和襟翼,着陆前减小速 …
Pilot flying - Wikipedia
In commercial aviation with a two-person flight crew, the pilot flying (PF) is the pilot operating the flight controls of the aircraft. The other pilot is referred to as the pilot monitoring (PM) or pilot not flying (PNF).
Working Together: Understanding PF and PM Roles
The flight deck roles of Pilot Flying (PF) and Pilot Monitoring (PM) are foundational to ensuring safety, efficiency, and smooth operations. This dual structure leverages the unique strengths and focus areas of two pilots, optimizing operations and enhancing situational awareness.
At any point in time during the flight, one pilot is the PF and one pilot is the PM. The PF is responsible for managing and the PM is responsible for monitoring the current and projected flight path and energy of the aircraft at all times.
飞机pf和pm是什么意思 - 百度知道
2023年12月16日 · PF指的是飞行人员中的机长(Pilot in Command),而PM则代表副机长(Pilot Monitoring)。 这两个职位都是非常重要的,因为它们是确保飞机飞行安全的关键人员。
航空pm是什么意思? - 飞行学院 - 模拟飞行论坛
2023年10月21日 · 但现在在机上已经淡化机长和副驾驶的区别,统一为操纵驾驶飞机和监控飞机的驾驶员,即PF和PM,这使飞机更多的操作权和处置权落在副驾驶手里。 但无论称谓和分工如 …
为什么飞机的检查单要区分PF和PM? - 知乎
2018年3月24日 · 在整个正常程序中,不同的飞行阶段PF和PM的分工不同,像起飞前准备,PF在执行外部检查的时候,PM在飞机上打打MCDU之类的;比如起动前检查单,分为线上线下,推出前做线上,PM念,PF回答等等,在执行ECAM动作时,PF操纵导航通讯,PM执行,不需要PF证 …
Pilot Flying (PF) and Pilot Monitoring (PM) - EAS blog
2021年6月21日 · Today we explain the importance and differences between Pilot Flying (PF) and Pilot Monitoring (PM). Aircraft certified as “multi-crew” by their manufacturers are aircraft that, due to their complexity and size, require more than one pilot in the cockpit.
民航飞行员飞行中的标准喊话是什么样的? - 知乎
2017年1月12日 · 有一个基本概念是飞行时两个飞行员分工为PF(Pilot-Flying,操纵飞行员)和PM(Pilot-Monitoring,监控飞行员,过去叫PNF: Pilot-Not-Flying),有些标准喊话是PF发起,有些标准喊话是PM发起。