PFM-1 mine - Wikipedia
PFM-1 (Russian: ПФМ-1 — Противопехотная Фугасная Мина-1, lit. 'Anti-infantry high-explosive mine') is a scatterable high explosive anti-personnel land mine of Soviet and Russian production. [1] . It is also known as a Leaf Mine (Russian: Лепесток), Green Parrot or Butterfly Mine. [1] .
Pfm 1 landmine - CAT-UXO
The PFM-1 landmine is a reverse-engineered copy of the American BLU-43 without the sensitised mixing of the liquid-explosive. A Self-Destruct (SD) variant of this landmine, the PFM-1S, is …
PFM-1 | Military Wiki | Fandom
PFM-1 (Russian: ПФМ-1, short for противопехотная фугасная мина - anti-infantry high-explosive mine; NATO name: Green parrot, also known as butterfly mine) is a land mine of Soviet production, very similar to BLU-43 US Army landmine.
PFM-1 – Wikipedia, wolna encyklopedia
ПФМ-1, противопехотная фугасная мина – kasetowa mina przeciwpiechotna, według nazewnictwa NATO – Blue parrot, czasami nazywana także miną motylkową – ang. butterfly mine) to mina lądowa produkcji radzieckiej, przypominająca stosowaną przez Armię Stanów Zjednoczonych minę lądową BLU-43.
Who Dropped Thousands Of Antipersonnel ‘Butterfly’ Mines ... - Forbes
Aug 4, 2022 · Each plastic antipersonnel mine, known as PFM-1, Lepestok ("Petal"), Butterfly or Green Parrot, contains 37 grams of explosive, enough to blow off a foot. They became notorious after the...
Landmine, APERS, PFM-1 Birdmine - bulletpicker.com
The former Soviets employed a small plastic mine designated PFM-1. This mine consists of a pressure-fuzed liquid explosive in a green or sand-brown plastic case and has been used extensively to interdict trails and resupply routes within Afghanistan.
What do we know about ‘petal mines’ scattered in the streets of …
Aug 17, 2022 · PFM-1 mines, also known as petal mines or butterfly mines, are small, explosive antipersonnel mines that are generally scattered in large numbers in a warzone – and meant to detonate later on...
PFM-1 Anti-Personnel Mine - Military Factory
Mar 29, 2023 · Page details technical specifications, development, and operational history of the PFM-1 Anti-Personnel Mine including pictures.
PFM-1 - Wikipedia
PFM-1レペルストク (ロシア語: ПФМ-1,противопехотная фугасная мина-1 «Лепесток»)は、 ソビエト連邦軍 で開発された空中散布式の 対人地雷 である。 「レペルストク」は 花びら の意味で、一般には「花びら地雷 [1][2]」として知られている。 北大西洋条約機構 (NATO)では グリーン・パロット (Green parrot、「緑 の オウム」の意)と呼んでいた …
Overview — PFM-1 anti-personnel mine - Military Periscope
The PFM-1 is a palm-sized pressure-sensitive blast mine. The plastic casings are painted sand-brown, green or white. The explosive is maintained in a liquid state before detonation.
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