2017年4月25日 · 決済サービス指令(PSD2) 欧州が導入する法的枠組みとは2016年施行の「決済サービス指令」で規定されたもの。英語でPayment Service Directive 2なので略して「PSD2」と呼ばれています。
什么是支付服务指令2 (PSD2)? - 知乎专栏
psd2 中概述的法规旨在保护消费者及其数据,其中包括更加安全可靠的支付选项、更快的支付周转,还定了退款权。 PSD 旨在使欧洲支付委员会 74 个成员国之间付款更便捷,并改善对欧盟成员国公民的消费者保护。
PSD2 establishes a framework for new services linked to consumer payment accounts, such as the so-called payment initiation services and account information services. In this context, the RTS specify the requirements for common and secure standards of communication between banks and FinTech companies.
PSD2 监管与合规性 | Entrust
PSD2 代表支付服务指令的第二版。 尽管它专门适用于欧盟 (EU),但被广泛认为是一项具有里程碑意义的支付服务法规,有可能改变银行、支付处理商和类似公司的全球运营方式。 2007 年,欧盟委员会出于以下两个主要原因颁布了最初版支付服务指令: 换句话说,PSD1 旨在通过鼓励非传统机构参与,为所有金融参与者创造公平的竞争环境。 它使金融科技公司和第三方支付提供商等新公司能够更轻松地进入市场,还将金融机构统一在单一监管框架下,为所有人制定共同的规则 …
Understanding AIS and PIS — and how they can boost your business
2022年10月21日 · Financial service providers need an account information service provider (AISP) license, a payment initiation service provider (PISP) license, or both, to be authorised to use APIs under the PSD2 directive, and they play a crucial role in opening up the financial sector.
5 Examples of the Best Open Banking Use Cases - Subaio
2021年1月15日 · How open banking goes further than PSD2. PSD2 is a European regulation that came into force in January 2018. Its purpose was to increase security in electronic payments and competition across Europe. To do this, it encouraged the use of APIs.
Fast Budget partners with Salt Edge to provide a fully automated …
2020年12月2日 · Salt Edge data aggregation toolkit allows Fast Budget to access open banking and PSD2 channels instantly, granting access to bank accounts data of more than 5000 banks in 50+ countries. Fast Budget app allows users to control …
Three key regulations you should know about when launching …
The second key legislation, the Payment Services Directive (PSD2), was created to encourage competition and establish payment security in Europe. Whilst the third, which stretches across far more industries than just the financial services sector, is …
Management (PFM)—all under the purview of PSD2. This enabled consumers to consolidate all their bank accounts on a single platform (account aggregation), offering insights like spending patterns. Additionally, they could directly make payments for goods and services at a TPP's checkout, bypassing traditional bank access (payment initiation).
introdotti dalla PSD2 azioni di verifica delle soluzioni adottate dagli intermediari e di contrasto agli ostacoli identificati. I modelli di business proposti dagli operatori italiani e stranieri attivi nei nuovi