Baggage and lost property | Frequently Asked Questions | Help
A Property Irregularity Report (PIR) reference number is a unique code that helps us trace your delayed or damaged baggage. It has a combination of 10 letters and numbers, and can be found above your name on the PIR receipt. You can use your PIR reference number to check the status of your baggage.
航空代码PIR是什么意思? - 知乎
2020年4月26日 · 航空代码PIR是什么意思? 当搭乘航班发生行李延误、损坏、丢失的不正常情况后,乘客向承运人进行申报的记录。 当需要在 Fedup App 上投诉某个航空公司行李问题时,需要上传这个凭证。 这个航班突然返回,你认为航空公司的做法正确吗? 机场这样公示消费者个人信息,你觉得合适吗? Fedup 3.15特辑 - 这些航空消费者权益,你知道吗? 丢失的行李会在哪儿? 被机场拍卖掉! 知乎,中文互联网高质量的问答社区和创作者聚集的原创内容平台,于 2011 …
Baggage Service Centre - Iberia USA
The PIR (Property Irregularity Report) is a report used for documenting and managing incidents with baggage. Each PIR features a code made up of 5 letters (stopover + airline) and 5 numbers (for example, MADIB12345).
行李和丢失财物 | 常见问题 | 帮助 | 阿联酋航空 中国
Delayed or damaged baggage | Baggage | Before You Fly
Check the baggage belt number when your bags are ready to collect. If your bag is delayed, the tracker will give you a reference number (called a PIR) and let you know what we’re doing to return your bags to you. If you don’t have the app, you can use the delayed or damaged baggage tracker on our website.
Delayed or lost baggage | SAS - Scandinavian Airlines
Airport baggage services will help you create a Property Irregularity Report (PIR) to document that your baggage is delayed or lost. The report contains a 10-character reference number / PIR number (5 letters and 5 digits, e.g. ARNSK12345). This reference number allows you to keep track of the status of your report and track your baggage online ...
Lost luggage and Incidents | Air Europa United States of …
Our online baggage search tool lets you view your case, add more information or edit it. To track your incident, you have to provide the reference number (PIR number, for example: PMIUX12345) and surname. Check the status of your baggage search
Delayed or Damaged Baggage Solutions - flydubai
What is a PIR? A PIR is a Property Irregularity Report that is given to you by the local handling agent on arrival when you report your baggage has been delayed or damaged. The unique reference number of the report helps us to track your bag and return it to you as soon as possible.
Lost or missing baggage after KLM flight - KLM United States
After creating a report, you’ll always receive a so-called Property Irregularity Report (PIR) with a file reference number. With this number, you can keep track of the status of your declaration. Once your delayed baggage has arrived at the airport, the delivery service will contact you.
Code PIR : c’est quoi et où se trouve-t-il - Info vol
En effet, le numéro P.I.R (Property Irregularity Report) est un code unique qui permet de suivre et de localiser vos bagages retardés grâce à un système informatique regroupant tous les aéroports. Ce numéro de référence de dossier vous sera généralement remis suite à l’ouverture d’une déclaration bagage.