PK machine gun - Wikipedia
The PKM was designed to replace the SGM and RP-46 machine guns that were previously in Soviet service. The weapon remains in use as a front-line infantry and vehicle-mounted weapon with Russia's armed forces and has also been exported extensively and produced in several other countries under license.
The Vaunted PKM Machine Gun – A Closer Look, from Forgotten …
2017年9月30日 · The Russian PKM: Arguably the best general purpose machine gun in the world, it combines a robust reliability with best-in-class light weight. Ian McCollum of Forgotten Weapons recently released two video overviews of the weapon, giving us a good enough excuse as any to spend some time with the Soviet showstopper:
“最强通用机枪的尴尬”盘点PK/PKM通机不为人知的痛 - 哔哩哔哩
PK/PKM系列通用机枪相信大多数军迷都对其有所了解,由前苏联时期枪王卡拉什尼科夫带领团队设计的一个力作,性能非常优异,相比其它同时代通机都更加给力,由于卡拉什尼科夫设计PK/PKM通机时结合采用了设计AKM突击步枪的经验与技术,PK/PKM通机重量比同时代通机更轻,射击精度还行,易生产性高,寿命还很高,被一些军迷给予了“最强通用机枪”的美誉。 但是这期专栏不是讲这挺通用机枪多么多么牛、多么好,而是谈这挺“最强通机”的尴尬之处,不为人知 …
PK通用機槍 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
原型的PK通用機槍由 AK 自動步槍氣動系統及旋轉式槍機閉鎖系統的基礎改進而成,發射 莫辛-納甘步槍 及 SVD狙擊步槍 的 7.62×54毫米R 舊型凸緣彈藥,其後推出的改進版本,將槍枝盡量減重,並將槍管厚度減少,命名為PKM(俄文:Пулемет Калашникова Модернизированный)。 PK通用機槍大量減輕槍身的重量,槍機容納部採鋼板壓鑄成形法製造, 槍托 中央也挖空,並在槍管外圍刻了許多溝紋,以致PK通用機槍只有9公斤,而PKM只有8.4公斤。 PK通用機槍發射 …
Transferable Machine Guns in stock and for sale at OTB
Beretta BM-59 308 WIN This is the full stock version of the BM-59. It's in 308 win and comes with 1 20 round mag. The most controllable 308 win shoulder fired MG in it's class.
Vickers 7.62 NATO /.308 conversion with a PKM belt - YouTube
2021年12月7日 · Testing a new conversion kit this morning
[DEFEXPO 2020] MG-M2, PKM Variant in 7.62x51mm From …
2020年2月17日 · In some southern regions of Russia, where shooting at weddings is a mandatory part of the celebration, PKM is semi-officially called “the Handsome One”. New versions of this weapon still emerge all around the world, and several years ago Arsenal Bulgaria presented its own version called MG-M2 .
对俄军的PKM7.62毫米通用机枪如何评价? - 知乎
pkm的优点:重量轻(只有m240的一半),精度高(始终力压m60,尤其是在用弹性枪架的情况下),空间利用合理(供弹拨杆设计非常巧妙,双程供弹比西方一票单程供弹还紧凑),可靠性好(毕竟自动机和ak一样,带动平面双凸榫刚性抛壳挺一个不少),成本低 ...
轻武器科普之PK/PKM的坦克机枪/车载机枪 - 哔哩哔哩
PKB(Pulemyot Kalashnikova na Bronetransportere,俄文ПКБ)是安装在车载射架上供装甲车成员使用的通用机枪。 枪架的固定位置在枪管上,以便在颠簸的车辆上也能够保持正确的射击方向。 PKB的枪架是金属制的,枪架本身可旋转和升高,弹链箱和一个弹壳收集袋也****架上。 含枪架空枪重为18.55kg。 与其他PK枪族一样,在PKM推出后,也出现了PKB的改进型PKMB。 PKMB车载机枪. 口径:7.62×54mm R. 含枪架空枪重17.5kg. 在米8和米17上的PKMB. PKMB也销往美国 …
.308 PKM kits? | AK Rifles
2006年3月12日 · You could probably buy one of the PKM's from DSA and they will demill it for you, but you will have to pay the full price of the post sample. I remember they offered that for …