Map of PL6 6LE postcode - doogal.co.uk
Map of PL6 6LE postcode in Common.Road, Plymouth, England with local information, lat/long: 50.429133, -4.136287, grid reference: SX483609
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质粒干粉 (常温运输,存于-20度,90天保质期,请务必先转化提质粒后使用) ①收到质粒干粉后请先5000rpm离心1min,再加入20μl ddH2O去离子水溶解质粒; ②取1支100μl 感受态于冰上解 …
13 Burnard Close, Plymouth, City Of Plymouth, PL6 6LE
13 Burnard Close, Plymouth is a freehold semi-detached house - it is ranked as the most expensive property* in PL6 6LE, with a valuation of £178,000.
Area Information for Burnard Close, Plymouth, PL6 6LE
Burnard Close in Plymouth is in the South West region of England. The postcode is within the Southway ward/electoral division, which is in the constituency of Plymouth Moor View. This …
Postcode PL6 6LE
Postcode PL6 6LE. Latitude and longitude. 50.429133, -4.136287 Important note: This location is sourced from ONS data and is intended for statistical purposes. It should not be used for …
PL6 6LE maps, stats, and open data - GetTheData
Find data about Plymouth postcode PL6 6LE including maps, photos, open data, schools, electoral roll, flood risk, crime stats.
House prices in Burnard Close, Plymouth, PL6 6LE - The Move …
The last sale in PL6 6LE went for £168,000 in February, 2022. 67% of property sold in this postcode are terraced houses. Get accurate up-to-date valuations.
Burnard Close, Plymouth, PL6 6LE - detailed information - StreetScan
View information about Burnard Close, Plymouth, PL6 6LE postcode, including employment, safety, property prices, nearby schools, broadband, sport facilities, nearby restaurants and pubs.
House prices for PL6 6LE, Burnard Close, Plymouth, PL6
PL6 6LE is a residential postcode located onBurnard Close, Plymouth, PL6 with 7 houses within its bounds. The average house price is £ 161,400 and prices have decreased by an average …
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