PLA wear layer based luxury vinyl tiles - Construction and ...
2022年9月1日 · Polylactic acid (PLA) bio-renewable green polymer films were studied for their use as a drop-in alternate to polyvinyl chloride (PVC) films as the top surface wear layer wear layer for luxury vinyl tiles (LVT).
基于 PLA 耐磨层的豪华乙烯基瓷砖 - 粘合强度和耐磨性与 PVC 的 …
研究了 PLA 片材厚度和表面粘合性能在热和压力下随时间的相对影响,以了解它们对与拉伸强度、失效伸长率、剥离强度、耐磨层磨损和 LVT 厚度减少相关的关键指标的影响(与印刷设计相关失真)。 研究补充了差示扫描量热法 (DSC) 和 PLA 表面预处理,包括电晕等离子体放电、有机硅层涂层和表面粗糙化。 最佳加工参数导致无变形 PLA-LVT(尺寸范围从 0.1 m × 0.1 m 到 0.3 m × 0.3 m),粘合剥离强度为 1.5–2.1 N/mm (9–12 pli),耐磨层耐磨性>2000–4000 泰伯循环。
新型地板知识普及!什么叫PVC、LVT、SPC、WPC地板?有什么区 …
LVT地板公认的优点有:价格便宜、环保、耐磨、弹性好抗冲击、防水阻燃、防水防潮、保养打理方便。 这种地板常被铺设在学校、幼儿园、游乐房里,在家庭儿童房里也有使用。 LVT是SPC和WPC地板的早期产品,你就算是初代产品吧,现在有点过时了。 缺点:厚度不超过5mm,比较薄比较软。 因为材质偏软,大面积容易起拱。 优点:0甲醛、防水。 上图是SPC地板,Stone Plactic Composite,属于硬性的塑料地板,也能弯曲,但是和LVT地板比起来,弯曲度就少许多。 它 …
Top 11 Best Luxury Vinyl Flooring Brands For 2025
2024年9月25日 · Well, 2025’s lineup of luxury vinyl flooring is here to show you it’s doable. Whether you’re doing a full renovation or just sprucing up a room, these picks are about to make your life a whole lot easier (and your floors a whole lot cooler). For those who need high performance, low VOC floors that can stand up to whatever life throws at them.
PERGO LVTフロア【Rigid】 - PERGO≪公式≫日本総代理店 | 北欧 …
PERGO LVT フロア Rigid に搭載されている 革新的な表面保護技術(チタンV)は フローリングの欧州規格EN13329の 耐摩耗性と耐衝撃性に該当します。 商用利用に適した「Class33」に分類されており、 キズや汚れ、摩耗に圧倒的に強く、
Vinyl Plank Flooring at Lowes.com
Vinyl plank flooring is one of the most popular flooring types today for several reasons. It’s low-maintenance, water-resistant, durable and cost-effective flooring. Whether you’re looking for standard vinyl or luxury vinyl flooring, you can find easy-to-maintain options at Lowe’s.
COREtec Tile SPC 18 VV840-12272 Romano Cement 18.5" x 37.01" Vinyl Pla
COREtec Tile SPC 18 VV840 Vinyl Plank combines modern design with long-lasting durability, making it excellent for both residential and commercial environments. This flooring, which has a Solid Polymer Core (SPC), is extremely stable, dent-resistant, and completely waterproof, making it an ideal solution for moisture-p.
Mohawk SolidTech Select Explorers Cove ECS21-314 Metal Smoke Vinyl Pla
It has low-maintenance flooring and is easy to clean, which makes your life easier. It also has the highest level of protection against wear, stains, and scuffs. This luxury vinyl plank is a click style and offers an easy installation process.
地板 - 金纬机械-塑料挤出设备供应商
SPC 复合地板生产线是由挤出机挤出 PVC 的基材,用四辊压延机组,分别把 PVC 彩膜 +PVC 耐磨层 +PVC 底膜,一次性压贴复合而成的产品,工 艺简单、贴合靠热量完成,不含胶水。 主要用于生产PVC地板革类产品。 PVC地板 革具有耐磨、耐腐、防滑、防渗、阻燃的性 能,广泛用于机车、宾馆、酒店、娱乐厅、 展馆、家庭。 先进挤出生产线解决方案? 金纬机械成立于1997,是中国塑料机械工业协会副会长单位,专业生产塑料挤出生产线,行销全球120多个国家和地区。 …
Taking inspiration from natural timber and ideal for every room in the home. Depicted in a variety of laying patterns with co-ordinating inlay accessories, this stunning range of planks is truly versatile. [exempla] Offering a premium aesthetic alongside superior functionality.