People's Liberation and Resistance | Battlefield Wiki | Fandom
In Battlefield 3, the People's Liberation and Resistance fight against the United States Marines and Russian GRU. They work hand-in-hand with the Armed Forces of the Islamic Republic of …
人民解放抵抗组织 | Battlefield 维基 | Fandom
人民解放抵抗组织 (波斯语: آزادی و مقاومت خلق),通常缩写为 PLR,是一个虚构的 伊朗 准军事叛乱组织,主要活动在中东地区,尽管与西方世界也有联系。 该组织由 法鲁克·阿尔·巴夏尔 领导。 在 …
People's Liberation and Resistance | Villains Wiki | Fandom
The People's Liberation and Resistance (Persian: آزادیبخش و مقاومت خلق), commonly abbreviated to PLR, are the main antagonists of Battlefield 3. It is an Iranian paramilitary insurgent …
Faruk Al-Bashir | Battlefield Wiki | Fandom
Faruk Al-Bashir (Persian: فرخ البشیر), sometimes spelled Farukh Al-Bashir, is the secondary antagonist featured in the singleplayer campaign of Battlefield 3. Following a coup that …
What is PLR in Battlefield 3? - Gaming Pedia - NCESC
2024年6月20日 · What is PLR in Battlefield 3? PLR stands for the “People’s Liberation and Resistance.” It is an Iranian paramilitary insurgent organization that serves as the main …
你玩懂了吗?《战地3》全流程剧情概述 _ 游民星空 GamerSky.com
2011年10月26日 · 布列克中士是美国海军陆战队的一名士兵,同行的小队中还有另外3人,最开始是部署在伊拉克境内,靠近两伊边境,在一次行动中被指派去寻找失去联系的巡逻队,结果碰 …
Steam Workshop::(PM) BF3: The PLR - Steam Community
2023年5月22日 · The People's Liberation and Resistance (Persian: آزادیبخش و مقاومت خلق), commonly abbreviated to PLR, is a fictional Iranian paramilitary insurgent group based largely in the …
So Who Are PLR? ~ Girl Nerd's Battlefield 3 - Blogger
2012年10月7日 · While not presented in multiplayer mode, almost every map is set in the country Iran, and we all know there's a group of insurgents called PLR involved in almost every …
Why are the Russians the main faction in [BF3] when the ... - Reddit
2020年3月23日 · The Russians being in Iran (and annoyingly speaking English) in BF3 was something that had always bothered me. Maybe it's related to the whole controversy of being …
キャンペーン紹介 - Battlefield3 攻略 Wiki - bf3.swiki.jp
敵役であるイランの過激派テロリスト「PLR(People's Liberation and Resistance)」制圧のためにイランのアル・スライマーニーヤ、テヘラン、アラズ峡谷に赴く。