PLR-16 Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) - Community for Kel …
2008年8月4日 · The gas system on the PLR-16 keeps most of the hot powder residue out of the chamber area so those parts stay cleaner than on a direct impingement AR-15 style gas system, allowing the PLR-16 to operate longer between cleanings and the …
Vertical foregrip on Kel-Tec PLR-16 - Community for Kel-Tec …
2009年4月4日 · ...the Kel-Tec PLR-16 is already classified as a pistol, adding a vertical grip onto it would still require the proper BATF paperwork to be filled out, but.....the pistol would be classified as an "AOW" (Any Other Weapon), and the cost for the BATF Tax Stamp is only $5.00, not $200, as would be the case if one were to add on a shoulder stock, which would then classify the weaopon as ...
PLR-16 Prices By Region | Community for Kel-Tec Shooters
2008年3月2日 · my 1# Plr-16 i paid $500 + tax from a gun dealer around Dayton ohio.I have sent back #1 plr back to Keltek two times to be fixed!broken receiver and busted trigger,they replaced most of the top and all of the bottom.has worked fine for 400 rounds since!
PLR 16 reliability and construction | Community for Kel-Tec Shooters
2015年10月7日 · The PLR-16 barrel does run hotter than the barrel on an AR pistol. Prior testing revealed softening and deformation of the Kel-Tec polymer forend around 75 rounds, fired as quickly as possible. This was also covered as item #10 in the PLR-16 FAQ.
PLR-16 | Community for Kel-Tec Shooters - thektog.org
2008年8月4日 · The PLR-16 is a gas operated, semi-automatic pistol chambered in 5.56 mm NATO caliber. It was designed as and is intended as a long-range target and hunting pistol.
Scopes for PLR 16 - Community for Kel-Tec Shooters
2008年12月14日 · I do agree that wimpy little aluminum clamp rings with little bearing surface would be even worse on the .223 polymer railed PLR-16. It doesn't feel like much recoil because it doesn't move much, but I think the PLR-16 has a brief high acceleration recoil that's a bit tougher on scopes and rings relative to how it feels to the shooter. [/quote]
PLR-16 + Magpul MOE Handguard - Community for Kel-Tec …
2011年1月15日 · The ATF actually made Kel-Tec cut a window in the forend of the SU-16 before selling it, to keep it legal.This mod is effectively the same thing. Probably won't be a problem for personal use (ATF has bigger fish to fry), but if you want to sell it, you might want to add a small window into the side of the forend to be able to see the serial number.
Plr-16 stock | Page 2 - Community for Kel-Tec Shooters
2006年1月15日 · PLR-16. soon to be a very fun project SUB2K back pack/ bug out bag, home defense PMR30 angry hornets nest RFB compact dealer of doom KSG pie the room with slugs and come back with 00 buck for seconds The original bolt release manufacturer for the S U & PLR-16 weapons PM me if you have interest in a bad lever for a your PLR or SU Semper FI
PLR-16 in 300 BLK? | Community for Kel-Tec Shooters
2012年8月27日 · Max effective range, using M4 military standards for hit probability, is 440 meters for a 9 inch barrel, and 460 meters for a 16 inch barrel. 300 BLK from a 9 inch barrel has the same energy at the muzzle as a 14.5 inch barrel M4, and about 5% more energy at 440 meters - even though the barrel is much shorter.
Suppressor for Plr-16 | Page 2 | Community for Kel-Tec Shooters
2012年11月3日 · Yeah, I think Kel-Tec has soured on suppressing a PLR-16. I sent mine back a week or so because of failure-to-feed/extract issues and they mentioned that the suppressor piston doesn't always work as expected. Once I get it back, I'm going to affix a linear compensator, instead.